Visiting Scholars

Open House | Iliad 9, and the responses of Achilles, with Leonard Muellner and Gregory Nagy

We were pleased to welcome Professor Leonard Muellner, Professor Gregory Nagy, and Allie Marbry, for another Open House. The conversation this week (shown in the video below), centered on Iliad Scroll 9, with a focus on the way that Achilles responds to Odysseus, Phoinix, and Ajax during the Embassy, giving particular attention to the following focus passages: Iliad 9.356–363 So long as I fought the Achaeans Hector did not let… Read more

Open House | Epic Cycle, Oral Poetics, and Composition in Performance, with Gregory Nagy and Guests

We were pleased to welcome Gregory Nagy and guests, for an Open House session during which we discussed the epic cycle, oral poetics, and composition in performance, including: what the wheel of a chariot means how ring composition works how a performer relates to the audience what happens with predictions within the narrative the difference between improvisation and deep structure/surface structure multiformity vs interpolation You can watch the recording on… Read more

Transcript: nostos, Names, and the Younger Generation of Heroes | Open House, with Gregory Nagy

We were pleased to welcome Gregory Nagy, and Allie Marbry, for another Open House session. Following last week’s conversation, and in conjunction with the readings of the Book Club, our discussion topics included questions from the community about some of the issues that emerged from those conversations, including: The nostos of Odysseus, and the nostos of Telemakhos The naming of Odysseus by Autolykos, and their association with Hermes, including the… Read more

Open House | The Odyssey, Kingship, and Nestor, with Gregory Nagy and Guests

We were delighted to welcome Professor Gregory Nagy (Harvard University) with his guests Professor Leonard Muellner (Brandeis University) and Douglas Frame, for an Open House Discussion. You can watch the recording below (or on our YouTube channel), and scroll down to see a summary of the main themes discussed and links to works referenced during the discussion: We had been invited to post questions ahead of this week’s visit and… Read more

Open House | Epic narrative, twins, and heroes with Professor Nagy and Douglas Frame

Follow-up conversation with Professor Gregory Nagy (Harvard University) and Douglas Frame The community was very excited to welcome back Professor Gregory Nagy and Douglas Frame. You may watch the video below or on our YouTube channel. Several strands came up throughout the conversation, but here are some of the main topics: Twins seen through the prism of Indo-European vs Near Eastern traditions, and Nestor [1:51] Patroklos as the therapōn of… Read more