Key terms
Thucydides Peloponnesian War 1.1–23
On this page are the key terms tracked in the augmented translation of Thucydides Book 1, which is available in the Text Library.
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Handout of Key Terms for Thucydides Book 1
adēlos [ἄδηλος] uncertain; hidden
adunatos [ἀδύνατος] weak; ( plus infin.) incapable of; impossible
aitia [αἰτία] accusation, blame; (medical) cause
akoē [ἀκοή] hearing; reputation; oral tradition
akouein [ἀκούειν] to hear; with adverb, be reputed
akribeia [ἀκρίβεια] exactitude
anoikizein [ἀνοικίζειν] to remove up the country
apisteîn [ἀπιστεῖν] to be unconvinced, disbelieve, distrust
apistia [ἀπιστία] disbelief, distrust, mistrust
apistos [ἄπιστος] not to be trusted
apoikia [ἀποικία] a settlement far from home, a colony settlement
arkhaios [ἀρχαῖος] from the beginning, original, old-fashioned
arkhē [ἀρχή] beginning, rule, command, office, kingdom, empire,
(in passive) being ruled
arkhein [ἄρχειν]* to begin; rule, govern, command
arkhēgos [ἀρχηγός] beginning, originating
asphaleia [ἀσφάλεια] security against falling, safety
asphalēs [ἀσφαλής]* not liable to fall, immoveable, steadfast, firm
ateikhistos [ἀτείχιστος] unwalled, unfortified
bebaios [βέβαιος] safe
bebaioûn [βεβαιοῦν] to make firm, confirm, establish, secure, warrant, make good
dēlos [δῆλος] visible, conspicuous
dēloûn [δηλοῦν] to convey, make known, reveal
ta deonta [τὰ δέοντα] what is necessary
diaita [δίαιτα] a way of living, mode of life
diaitâsthai [διαιτᾶσθαι] (mid.) to pursue a lifestyle, live
diaitēma [διαίτημα] rules of life, a mode or course of life
diaphora [διαφορά] estrangement, rift (διάφορος “estranged”), quarrel, falling-out
dokeîn [δοκεῖν] (impers.) to seem best, think; seem, think
dunasthai [δύνασθαι] to be able plus inf.; be powerful; signify, mean
dunamis [δύναμις]* power; might, strength
dunatos [δυνατός] strong, mighty, able
enoikeîn [ἐνοικεῖν] to dwell in
ēpeiros [ἤπειρος] terra-firma, the land
epikrateîn [ἐπικρατεῖν] to rule over
epitēdeuein [ἐπιτηδεύειν] engage in regularly
erga [ἔργα] achievements
gnōmē [γνώμη] thinking, plan (any product of thought), but with various references and associated words; attitude, intellect, plan, spirit
graphein [γράφειν] to write; (mid.) indict
hēgeîsthai [ἡγεῖσθαι]* to lead; consider, believe
hēgemōn [ἡγεμών] leader, guide
heuriskein [εὑρίσκειν] to find, discover
houtos ho polemos this war (= Peloponnesian war)
hupēkoos [ὑπήκοος] subject (to those more powerful); (nt. sg) state of subjection
isodiaitos [ἰσοδίαιτος] living on an equality
katoikizein [κατοικίζειν] to settle
khrēmata [χρήματα] (pl) goods, money, property
kleos [κλέος] glory
krateîn [κρατεῖν] dominate, take control of; overcome, prevail
kratistos [κράτιστος] strongest, mightiest
ktâsthai [κτᾶσθαι] to acquire, gain possession of
ktēma [κτῆμα] acqusition; attainment
ktēsis [κτῆσις] acquisition
legein [λέγειν] to pick; to say
logos pl. logoi [λόγος, λὀγοι] The act of speech (talk, oration, negotiations, report); content of speech, (proposal, plan, argument)
metoikia [μετοικία] change of abode, removal, migration
nemein [νέμειν] to deal out, distribute, dispense
nomizein [νομίζειν] to believe, think
oikeîn [οἰκεῖν] to inhabit, settle (of colonists and cleruch); live; administer, rule
oikeîos [οἰκεῖος] relative, close family member; domestic; one’s own
oikēsis [οἴκησις] the act of dwelling, habitation
oikētōr [οἰκήτωρ] an inhabitant; a colonist
oikistēs [οἰκιστής] a coloniser, founder of a city
oikizein [οἰκίζειν] to found as a colony
oikos [οἶκος] a house, abode, dwelling
oligarkhia [ὀλιγαρχία] government by a few, oligarchy
palaios [παλαιὀς] old in years
paraskeuē [παρασκευἠ] preparedness (military); matériel
paraskeuazein [παρασκευάζειν] to get ready, prepare
parathalassios [παραθαλάσσιος] beside the sea, lying on the sea-side, maritime
pareînai [παρεῖναι] to be present, at the scene; (of situations) be current; (impers.) be permitted
perioikis [περιοικίς] neighboring (subst., surrounding territory of a town)
perioikos [περίοικος] dwelling round
phainesthai [φαίνεσθαι] to appear, be obviously
phēmē [φήμη] legend
pisteuein [πιστεύειν] to be convinced, believe, trust; rely on
plousios [πλούσιος] rich, wealthy, opulent
prophasis [πρόφασις] professed justification (from πρόφημι); falsely professed justification, pretext; military trickery; convenient excuse
prosoikos [πρόσοικος] dwelling near to, bordering on, neighboring
saphēs [σαφής] clear, plain, distinct, manifest
skopeîn [σκοπεῖν] to analyze, investigate, study, interpret
stasis [στάσις] a standing, the posture of standing; faction
sunokizein [συνοικίζειν] to make to live with
tekmairesthai [τεκμαίρεσθαι] to infer from evidence
tekmērion [τεκμήριον] inference
tekmērioûn [τεκμηριοῦν] to prove positively
teikhizein [τειχίζειν] to build a wall
teikhos [τεῖχος] a wall
thalassa [θάλασσα]* the sea
thalassios [θαλάσσιος] of, in, on, from the sea
tropos [τρόπος] a turn, direction, course, way; character