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Homeric and Epic poetry
Epic themes
- Homeric poetry, multitextuality, and jazz, with Graeme Bird
- Epos and Eris: Composition, Competition and the ‘Domestication’ of Strife, with Joel Christensen
- Beautiful Bodies or Beautiful Minds: Disability Studies in Homer, with Joel Christensen
- Homer’s Thebes: Epic Rivalries and the Appropriation of Mythical Pasts, with Joel Christensen
- Epic Narrative and Toxic Heroism, with Joel Christensen
- epaineîn and the Poetics of Consent in Homer, with David Elmer
- Indo-European Epic Poetry, with Kevin McGrath
- Muthos, Mythology, and the Language of Heroes, with Richard P. Martin
- Homeric Questions: Interview with Leonard Muellner
- Oral Poetics & Composition-in-Performance, with Gregory Nagy and Guests
- Conversation with Kosmos Society (Hour 25), with Gregory Nagy and Douglas Frame
- Divine Yet Human Epics: Reflections of Poetic Rulers from Ancient Greece and India, with Shubha Pathak
- Monster Menageries of Homer and Hesiod, with Yiannis Petropoulos
- The Legacy of Minos, with Gloria F. Pinney
- Equine Poetics, with Ryan Platte
- The Lives of Homer as Aetiologies for Homeric Poetry, with Gregory Nagy
- Similes and Storytelling in Homer’s Iliad, with Deborah Beck
- “And Then an Amazon Came”: Homeric Papyri, with Casey Dué
- Nestor and Indo-European Twin Myths, with Douglas Frame
- ‘Echoes of the Indo-European Twin Gods in Sanskrit and Greek Epic: Arjuna and Achilles, with Douglas Frame
- ‘The Iliad and the Greek Bronze Age, with Casey Dué
- Recall Strategies in the Iliad, with Lynn Kozac
- Whose plan is this? Divine plans and poetic narrative in the Iliad and the Odyssey, with Efimia D. Karakantza and Justin Arft
- Charioteers and Charioteering in the Iliad and Mahābhārata, with Kevin McGrath
- ‘Tragic Visualizing in the Iliad, with Laura Slatkin
- Iliad 6: Violence and War Crimes, with Joel Christensen
- Iliad IX, and the Responses of Achilles, with Leonard Muellner
- Iliad 10 and the Poetics of Ambush, with Casey Dué and Mary Ebbott (audio only)
- Eros and Cosmos: Approaching the Golden Cloud of Iliad 14, with Seemee Ali
- Achilles and Aeneas ‘beyond fate’: An exploration of Iliad 20 and the Multiformity of the Iliad, with Casey Dué
- The Odyssey, “Breaking Bad,” and Problematic Endings, with Joel Christensen
- The Children of Odysseus, and Multiformity, with Joel Christensen
- On the Odyssey, Kingship, and Nestor, with Gregory Nagy, Douglas Frame and Leonard Muellner
- Nostos, names, and the younger generation of heroes, with Gregory Nagy (transcript only)
- Odyssey or the Return of a Song, with Ioanna Papadopoulou
- The narrative form of the Odyssey, with Kevin McGrath
- Penelope & Weaving, with Olga Levaniouk
- Dialogue: Ancient Greek Brides, Death, and Exchange, with Olga Levaniouk
- The Dreams of Barchin and Penelope, with Olga Levaniouk
- The relevance of Odysseus’ words about kingship in Odyssey 8, with Leonard Muellner and Douglas Frame
- Exchanges in the Odyssey‘s Underworld, with Nancy Felson, Laura Slatkin, and Maša Ćulumović
- Odysseus and the Poetics of katábasis, with Stamatia Dova
- Confessions of murder in the Odyssey, with Eunice Kim
- Gift of tripods in Odyssey 13, with Douglas Frame
See also “Homeric Greek: Odyssey“.
Epic Cycle and Homeric Hymns
- Comparative Mythology and Folktale Studies: Kore, Demeter, Baldr, and the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty”, with Riccardo Ginevra, University of Cologne
- A Cyclic Odysseus is a Dead Odysseus: Homer and the Epic Cycle on (Mis)Recognition, with Justin Arft
- Continued conversation on Within the Kyklos: ‘Whose plan is this?‘ Divine plans and poetic narrative in the Iliad and the Odyssey with Justin Arft
- Interview: Cartoons, Homeric Hymns, and Drawing as a Daily Ritual, with Glynnis Fawkes
Other Greek Poetry
- Pindar’s Poetics of Homecoming, with Maša Ćulumović
- Musical Heroes: A Discussion of Pindar’s Pythian 12, with Maša Ćulumović
- Sappho 44, with Gregory Nagy
- Homo ludens at play with the songs of Sappho: experiments in comparative reception theory, with Gregory Nagy
- Mothers of Heroes and Monsters: Althaea and Callirhoe, with Maria G. Xanthou
- Pindar, with Maria G. Xanthou
- The Muse(s)’s “white noise”: the background of sound-scape and the gustatory acoustics of Pindar’s epinician odes, with Maria G. Xanthou
- The Legacy of Minos, with Gloria F. Pinney
- Equine Poetics, with Ryan Platte
- Hellenistic poeti vaganti , with Angela Cinalli
- What’s a kômos song?, with Richard P. Martin
- Apollonius’ Argonautica: Earth, Sky, and Sea, with Jackie Murray
Tragedy and Comedy
- Choral Performance and Civic Virtues, with James Collins
- A Young Woman’s Journey to Womanhood: Greek and Indic Models from Menander and Kālidāsa, with Arti Mehta
- Euripides’ Erechtheus in context, with Lucia Athanassaki
- Dionysus versus Pentheus, with Robert Garland
- Fragments of Menander and the Modern Stage, with Kyriaki Ioannidou
- The Hippolytus of Euripides, with Rebecca Futo Kennedy
- Wives of Returning Veterans in Classical Athenian Drama, with Erika Weiberg
- Heroine cult and tragedy, with special reference to the Medea of Euripides, with Richard P. Martin
- Herakles and The Best of the Achaeans, with Gregory Nagy
- Hēraklēs: Thinking comparatively about Greek mythology, with Gregory Nagy
- The Power of Performance: Mythology and Outreach Today, with Paul O’Mahony
- Zeus in Comedy, with Jeffrey S Rusten
See also “Reading Greek Tragedy Online”
Student performances:
- Antigone 441–581 (performed by Greek and US students)
- Antigone 1–161 (Gloucester High School, Massachussetts, USA); 155–331 (1st and 2nd High Schools, Nafplio, Greece); 441–582 (Lynn English High School, Massachussetts, USA); 577–800 (Modern High School for Girls, Kolkota, India); 801–943 (Trinitas Gymnasium, Almere, Netherlands); and
“Ode to Man,” 334–383, performed by four of the groups - Antigone 997–1114 (Ukraine)
- Experimental Archaeology of Ancient Greek Warfare, with Paul Bardunias, Christian Cameron, Giannis Kadoglou
- Theognis, earwax and the end of the Lelantine War, with Natasha Bershadsky
- A Middle Ground in the Middle Sea: the “Marriage” of Salmakis and Halikarnassos, with Mat Carbon
- Sparta and its continuing myth, with Paul Cartledge
- Thebes: The lost city of ancient Greece, with Paul Catrtledge
- Disease and Social Order: The Plague Narratives of Thucydides and Lucretius, with Rob Cioffi
- Uncanny Intruders: Ghosts and Greek Literature, with Rob Cioffi
- Socrates and Aspasia of Miletus, with Armand D’Angour
- Immigration and Belonging: Phoenician Immigrants in 4th-Century BCE Athens, with Denise Demetriou
- Technolarynges and the Production of artificial voice in Antiquity, with Maria Gerolemou
- The Social Networks of Athenian Potters, with Eleni Hasaki and Diane Harris Cline
- Herodotus, with Alexander J. Hollmann
- The End of the Histories, with Scarlett Kingsley and Timothy Rood
- Thucydides’ Melian Dialogue and its Reception, with Ivan Matijašić
- The Egyptian Goddess in White Marble: Isis, Materials and the Reconfiguration of Greekness in the Roman Empire, with Lindsey Mazurek
- A French Book on Ancient Greek Diseases and Thoughts about Translating it into English, with Leonard Muellner
- The Arrhēphoroi as understood by Pausanias, with Gregory Nagy
- Minoan-Mycenaean Scribal Legacy, with Gregory Nagy
- Crossing the Sea: Migration in the Ancient World, with Paul O’Mahony
- Late Bronze Age burials at Mycenae, and what they tell us, with Heleni Palaiologou
- Waste in antiquity, with Dan-el Padilla Peralta
- Re-inventing Old Craftsmanship: : Mycenaean Furniture and Today’s Design, with Rachele Pierini
- The Legacy of Minos, with Gloria F. Pinney
- Themis, thesmos and nomos: are there “divine laws” in ancient Greece?, with Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge
- Heroism, Charisma, and Legitimate Rule: A Dialogue with Max Weber, with Nicolas Prevelakis
- Thucydides on Early Greece and the Trojan War, with Jeffrey S Rusten
- Xenophon, Agamemnon, and Leadership, with Norman Sandridge
- Deaths of ancient leaders, with Norman Sandridge
- Lysias, his Funeral Oration, and Collective Memories in Classical Athens, with Julia L. Shear
- Gold, kraters, and treasur(i)es in Herodotus Histories Book 1, with Maria G. Xanthou
- High and low: Xerxes’ desire of Thessalian heights and Tempe gorge, with Maria G. Xanthou
- Chalcidian regionality between Sithonia and Pallene: from periphery to epichoric identity, with Maria G. Xanthou
- Metus hostilis and fear appeals in 4th c. BCE rhetoric, with Maria G. Xanthou
- Socrates and Aspasia of Miletus, with Armand D’Angour
- How and Why to Read Plato in the Early Common Era, with Ryan Fowler
- Re-Re-Counting Plato: This Time with More Data, with Thomas Köntges
- Georgios Gemistos Plethon: The Role of Byzantine Scholarship in the Preservation of Platonic and Neo-Platonic Thought, with Brian Prescott-Decie
- A New Translation of the Nicomachean Ethics, with Susan Sauvé Meyer
- The Reception of Greek in Renaissance Italy, with Caroline Stark
Other Greek texts
- Euclid saves us from ignorance, with Graeme Bird
- ‘Hammering a Nail with a Nail’: Reading Collections of Ancient Greek Proverbs, with Joel Christensen
- Magical Strategies for Everyday Problems, with Suzanne Lye
- Aesop and Fables, with Arti Mehta
- Minoan-Mycenaean Scribal Legacy, with Gregory Nagy
- Love wishes, with Yiannis Petropoulos
- Teaching and Learning the Greek Classics in Prison, with Laura M. Slatkin
- The Reception of Greek in Renaissance Italy, with Caroline Stark
Texts and traditions from related languages and cultures
- Making Connections: Exploring Beowulf, with Graeme Bird
- From Homer to Ferdowsi, with Olga M. Davidson
- Persian epic and the embedding of a song of lament, with Olga M. Davidson
- Nestor and Indo-European Twin Myths, with Douglas Frame
- Echoes of the Indo-European Twin Gods in Sanskrit and Greek Epic: Arjuna and Achilles, with Douglas Frame
- Kinyras: The Divine Lyre, with John C. Franklin
- Living Traditions of Vedic Ritual and Recitation in India, with Finnian Moore Gerety
- The Cecropids and an Attic Aetiology in Ovid’s Metamorphoses 2.552–565, 708–832, with Miriam Kamil
- Charioteers and Charioteering in the Iliad and Mahābhārata, with Kevin McGrath
- Indo-European Epic Poetry, with Kevin McGrath
- A Young Woman’s Journey to Womanhood: Greek and Indic Models from Menander and Kālidāsa, with Arti Mehta
- The Táin, with Richard P. Martin
- Ovid’s Metamorphoses, with Leonard Muellner
- From Homer to Virgil, with Gregory Nagy
- Aeneid 4–6, with Gregory Nagy
- The poetry of Horace, with Gregory Nagy
- Hēraklēs: Thinking comparatively about Greek mythology, with Gregory Nagy
- A Hero Named Heather and Other Peculiarities in the Early Medieval Irish Saga The Cattle-Raid of Fraech, with Joseph F. Nagy
- Divine Yet Human Epics: Reflections of Poetic Rulers from Ancient Greece and India, with Shubha Pathak
- Dialogue of the deaf: puppeteers vs. interviewers on oral history and historical data, with Anna Stavrakopoulou
- Becoming Moses: Deuteronomy 32 in Performance, with Keith Stone
- Song of Moses, Song of Deuteronomy, with Keith Stone
- The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Search for Everlasting Life, with Jacqueline Vayntrub
- Oral tradition as rhetorical resource in the Old Slavic translation of Digenis Akritis, with Robert Romanchuk
Music and visual arts
- Musical Heroes: A Discussion of Pindar’s Pythian 12, with Maša Ćulumović
- Performing Ancient Greek Lyric and Music, with Bettina Joy de Guzman
- Kinyras: The Divine Lyre, with John C. Franklin
- Living Traditions of Vedic Ritual and Recitation in India, with Finnian Moore Gerety
- Performance Traditions in Greece, with Panayotis Fragkiskos League
- Rhapsodes, Kitharôidia, and Performance in Ancient Greece, with Tim Power
- The Social Networks of Athenian Potters, with Diane Harris Cline and Eleni Hasaki
- Re-inventing Old Craftsmanship: Mycenaean Furniture and Today’s Design, with Rachele Pierini
- Weaver as a Hero, with Susan Edmunds
- Coming of Age at Thermon: Marriage and Its Discontents on the Metopes of Temple C, with Kathryn R. Topper
- The Egyptian Goddess in White Marble: Isis, Materials and the Reconfiguration of Greekness in the Roman Empire, with Lindsey Mazurek
- Silver and Stone: The Daguerreotypes of Girault de Prangey, with Andrew Szegedy-Maszak
Digital research, and teaching
- Can the Digital Humanities Make Us Better Humanists? with Rodney Ast
- Classics, Geography and Computing: Interview, with Elton Barker
- Finding Beauty in the Smallest Words: Ancient Greek Particles and Particle Clusters, with Anna Bonifazi
- Teaching Greek in the 21st Century, with Gregory Crane and Farnoosh Shamsian
- Building Digital Classical Imagination, with Luke Hollis
- A Land Called Crete: From Harriet Boyd Hawes to the Cretan Collections Project, with Andrew Koh
- Re-Re-Counting Plato: This Time with More Data, with Thomas Köntges
- The Free First Thousand Years of Greek, with Leonard Muellner
- Discovering Ancient Documents with Digital Mapping Tools, with Chiara Palladino
- The Lexeis project: The great Greek author-lexica of the 19th century, with Jeffrey Rusten
- Teaching and Learning the Greek Classics in Prison, with Laura Slatkin