
Antigone Project Phase II

Students from high schools in Greece, India, the Netherlands, and the United States recently participated in the second phase of the Antigone Project, which invites students to film and share their own performances of the Antigone of Sophocles, with the goal of engaging in a meaningful comparative dialogue with fellow participants from around the globe. In this continuation of the Antigone Project, the tragedy was divided into nine sections, and… Read more

Exhibition Review | “A World of Emotions: Ancient Greece, 700BC–200AD”

“A World of Emotions: Ancient Greece, 700 BC–200 AD” Onassis Cultural Center New York Onassis Foundation USA, 645 5th Ave., New York Through June 24, 2017 A guest post by David A. Beardsley Much of my own ongoing fascination with the ancient Greeks is in that theirs is the first culture with which I can readily connect, and this is largely because of the way they display their emotions. The… Read more

A Homer Commentary in Progress

An evolving, collaborative commentary based on the cumulative research of Milman Parry and Albert Lord The intellectual goal of the original editors is simple and at the same time most ambitious: of all existing commentaries on Homeric poetry, this project is the first and only such commentary that is based squarely on the cumulative research of Milman Parry and his student, Albert Lord, who created a new way of thinking… Read more

Community Reading: Seneca’s Phaedra

No rest by night, no deep slumber frees me from care. A malady feeds and grows within my heart, and it burns there hot as the stream that wells from Aetna’s caverns. Pallas’ loom stands idle and my task slips from my listless hands; no longer it pleases me to deck the temples with votive offerings, nor at the altars, midst bands of Athenian dames, to wave torches in witness… Read more

CHS GR Event | Yiorgis Yiatromanolakis, “Pausanias the traveler visits Epidaurus”

Please join us on Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at 7:00 p.m., in Ligourio, for the following lecture: “Pausanias the traveler visits Epidaurus” Lecturer: Yiorgis Yiatromanolakis, Emeritus Professor of Classics, National and Capodistrian University of Athens and author Respondent: Rena Zamarou, Associate Professor of Ancient Greek Literature, Department of Philology, National and Capodistrian University of Athens The lecture will be held in the Cultural Center of St. Basil Church, Ligourio, Municipality… Read more