
Book Club | September 2017: Aristophanes Plutus

What an unhappy fate, great gods, to be the slave of a fool! A servant may give the best of advice, but if his master does not follow it, [5] the poor slave must inevitably have his share in the disaster; for fortune does not allow him to dispose of his own body, it belongs to his master who has bought it. Alas! ’tis the way of the world. But… Read more

Book Club | May 2015: Lysistrata by Aristophanes

We will have a  Book Club discussion of Aristophanes’ Lysistrata. Our discussion will be held via Google+ Hangout on Thursday, May 21 2015 at 11:00 a.m EDT. Everybody is welcome to join in! Please sign up in the Forum if you would like to join, or if you are unable to make the hangout you can add your comments here in this Forum thread. You can read Ian Johnston’s translation… Read more

Book Club | September 2014: Frogs by Aristophanes

September: Aristophanes Frogs Our next Book Club selection is Aristophanes’ Frogs. You can find the English text here: Frogs – Matthew Dillon’s translation on Perseus or Frogs  – Ian Johnston’s translation Our discussions will be held via Google+ Hangout on Friday, September 26 at 2:00 p.m EDT Project Chatroom on Tuesday, September 30 at 2:00 p.m EDT Please sign up for the Google+ hangout on the Forum thread Happy Readings!… Read more

Current Book Club Selection: Aristophanes’ Clouds

The Book Club of Hour 25 will be opening with Aristophanes’ Clouds. Cedric H. Whitman in his book Aristophanes and the Comic Hero (Harvard University Press 1964) describes Clouds as: “… a  serious work that is almost universally accepted as a manifesto of Aristophanes’ educational beliefs, his hatred of sophistic teaching, and his belief in the old, conservative way…” Chapter IV-p 119 The play is available online on the following links.… Read more