Visiting Scholars

Open House | Oral tradition as rhetorical resource in the Old Slavic translation of Digenis Akritis, with Robert Romanchuk

We were excited to welcome Robert Romanchuk for an Open House entitled “Oral tradition as rhetorical resource in the Old Slavic translation of Digenis Akritis.” The event took place on Friday, April 9 at 11:00 a.m. EDT and was recorded. To get ready for the event, you might like to read these handouts (PDFs): “Slavic ‘Abduction’ episode (reconstructed)” “Greek ‘Abduction’ episode (MS G)” You can watch on our YouTube channel,… Read more

Open House | The End of the Histories, with Scarlett Kingsley and Timothy Rood

We were excited to welcome Scarlett Kingsley and Timothy Rood for an Open House entitled “The End of the Histories.” The event took place on Friday, March 19 at 11:00 a.m. EDT and was recorded. To get ready for the event, you might like to read these handouts: Bolingbroke On Luxury (PDF) Kosmos Society Readings (PDF) You can watch the recording on our YouTube channel, or in the frame below.… Read more

Open House | Lysias, his Funeral Oration, and Collective Memories in Classical Athens, with Julia L. Shear

We were excited to welcome Julia L. Shear for an Open House entitled “Lysias, his Funeral Oration, and Collective Memories in Classical Athens.” The event took place on Friday, March 5 at 11:00 a.m. EST and was recorded. To get ready for the event, you might like to read: Lysias 2, the Funeral Oration Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War 2.34, description of the burial of the war-dead. You can… Read more

Open House | A Young Woman’s Journey to Womanhood: Greek and Indic Models from Menander and Kālidāsa, with Arti Mehta

We were excited to welcome Arti Mehta of Howard University for an Open House entitled “ A Young Woman’s Journey to Womanhood: Greek and Indic Models from Menander and Kālidāsa” The event took place on Friday, February 19 at 11:00 a.m. EST and was recorded. To get ready for the event, you might like to read: Act 3 of Kālidāsa’s Shakuntala: (translation by Arthur W Ryder) The Prologue, Act 1,… Read more

Open House | Performing Ancient Greek Lyric and Music, with Bettina Joy de Guzman

We were excited to welcome Bettina Joy de Guzman for an Open House entitled “Performing Ancient Greek lyric and music.” The event took place on Friday, February 5 at 11:00 a.m. EST and was recorded. To get ready for the event, you can watch: Sophocles Antigone, Parados Rediscovering Ancient Greek Music You can watch the on our YouTube channel or in the frame below. Mentioned during the discussion: W. Sydney… Read more