

We are pleased to share the news that CHS is broadcasting to the public a live stream of events from SapphoFest 2015, to be held on Friday, December 11–Saturday, December 12. Please follow this link for further details. Recent posts at Classical Inquiries have featured translations by Gregory Nagy of the newest Sappho poems and fragments. Here is a selection. Sappho Song 1.3–4 |3 Do not dominate with hurts [asai] and… Read more

Epic Singers and Oral Tradition by Albert Bates Lord

We are pleased to share the news that Epic Singers and Oral Tradition by Albert Bates Lord is now available in electronic form, for free, from the CHS website, here. In the Introduction, he writes: “It is of the nature of things that Homer and his poems should play some role, directly or indirectly, in all the articles in this volume. It is not surprising, either, that South Slavic oral-traditional… Read more

The Meaning of Homeric εὔχομαι Through Its Formulas

The Center for Hellenic Studies is pleased to share Professor Leonard Muellner’s The meaning of Homeric εὔχομαι through its formulas, the 1976 landmark study based on his dissertation. This online publication is open to all and free of charge. Eukhomai had been glossed traditionally as “pray, long for, wish for; vow, promise; boast, brag, vaunt; profess, declare.” Muellner’s approach is to make a systematic analysis of the constraints in which this word is… Read more

The Giza Archives Project

  Classical Inquiries has a guest blog post ‘Blond hair in the tomb of Meresankh?’ by Dr. Peter Der Manuelian. He is the Philip J. King Professor of Egyptology and Director of the Harvard Semitic Museum. His primary research interests include ancient Egyptian history, archaeology, epigraphy, the development of mortuary architecture, and the (icono)graphic nature of Egyptian language and culture in general. He has published on diverse topics and periods… Read more

Read Euripides’ Medea with actor Paul O’Mahony

Hour 25 Community Reading Medea, Euripides Thursday, July 23 2015 @11:00 a.m. EDT [Nurse] Would that the Argo had never winged its way to the land of Colchis through the dark-blue Symplegades! Would that the pine trees had never been felled in the glens of Mount Pelion and furnished oars for the hands [5] of the heroes who at Pelias’ command set forth in quest of the Golden Fleece! For… Read more