
Introducing Aeschylus’ Seven Against Thebes

A “heroized” edition of Aeschylus’ Seven Against Thebes We are pleased to share a revised translation of Aeschylus’ Seven Against Thebes that tracks Core Vocab words in the same way as the Sourcebook of Primary Texts in Translation used in HeroesX.[1] This was the result of a community-driven collaborative “heroization” project. The group revised a translation to indicate each and every occurrence of a Heroes core vocabulary term and to… Read more

Open House | Heroine cult and tragedy, with Richard P. Martin

We are pleased to welcome Professor Richard P Martin, Anthony and Isabelle Raubitschek Professor in Classics at Stanford University, for an Open House discussion about heroine cult and tragedy, with special reference to the Medea of Euripides.  You can find the play at the Kosmos Society Text Library, here. You can download the handout of the slides with readings as a PDF:  MEDEA – Richard P Martin You can watch… Read more

Gallery: Tragedy in Visual Art

Melpomene, Muse of Tragedy, Louvre I have been reading The Death of Tragedy by George Steiner (available on Kobo). At the beginning of his book, Steiner writes: The Iliad is the root of Tragedy The life of a hero is short Murders inhuman and cruel actions occur The disappearance of Troy The Fall The destruction The vulnerability of men Fatality Men are powerless in front of gods It all ends badly… In… Read more

Open House | The Power of Performance: Mythology and Outreach Today, with Paul O’Mahony

We were pleased to welcome actor, writer, and educator Paul O’Mahony for an Open House discussion on ‘The Power of Performance: Mythology and Outreach Today’. He introduces the topic as follows: I would like to talk about our reception of classical texts and our approaches to performance—finding new and exciting ways to re-imagine them. I will use my own experience both creating and watching various shows (both tragic and comic).… Read more

Open House | Tragic Visualizing in the Iliad with Laura Slatkin

Our community was pleased to welcome Laura Slatkin for an Open House discussion, which centered on tragic visualizing in the Iliad. You can watch the recording in the video frame below, or visit our YouTube channel. To prepare for this discussion, participants might like to read the following focus passages: Open House Laura Slatkin Focus Passages (PDF) Selected works mentioned during the discussion: Seemee Ali: Open House ‘Eros and Cosmos:… Read more