
Book Club | November 2021: Suetonius Lives of the Caesars

Our Book Club selection for November is The Lives of the Caesars by C. Suetonius Tranquillus. Suetonius was born towards the end of Vespasian’s reign, probably around 69 or 70 CE. He was educated in Rome, and became a friend of Pliny the Younger, whose assistance and support led him to work as a librarian for the emperor Trajan. He then became secretary to Hadrian. However, in around 121 CE… Read more

The Romans were Everywhere: a Cruise in the Western Mediterranean

A guest post by Anne Spendiff It seemed that when I watched TV programmes about Rome they featured gruesome death, sex, or communal toilets. Now I know that death, sex and toilets are part of life, but I did not want my first cruise to the Western Mediterranean, and my first trips to Rome and Pompeii, to focus on them. In preparation, I read Mary Beard’s Pompeii[1], and researched various… Read more

Gallery: Virgil and Augustan Period

Wall Painting, enthroned couple (50–40BCE)Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York  A few years ago, I went to an exhibition about Augustus at the Grand Palais. Virgil, who lived during the same era, wrote the Aeneid. This epic poem tells the story of the Trojan hero Aeneas and his adventures to found a new city in Italy and to start a new generation for the beginning of Rome. Augustus is cited… Read more