Open House | Nestor and Indo-European Twin Myths, with Douglas Frame

We are pleased to share the following video featuring classicist Douglas Frame in which he talks about the role of Nestor in the Homeric poems. He is joined by members of the Hour 25 (now Kosmos Society) community. Together they also discuss absent signifiers, nostos, and Indo-European twin myths.

You can watch on our YouTube channel, or in the frame below.

You may also download the transcript for this video:
PDF: Transcript: Nestor and Indo-European Twin Myths, with Douglas Frame

For further videos please visit the Watch page.

Douglas Frame


1971 Harvard Ph.D. in classical philology; until 2000 college teaching for some of the time, other pursuits for more of the time; since 2000 Associate Director of the Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington; after retiring as Associate Director in 2012 continued affiliation with the CHS.


“Homer’s Hidden Muse and Related Questions: a conversation with classicist Douglas Frame”


The Myth of Return in Early Greek Epic

Hippota Nestor


“Achilles and Patroclus as Indo-European Twins: Homer’s Take”

“New Light on the Homeric Question: the Phaeacians Unmasked” (in Donum Natalicium Gregorio Nagy)

“The Homeric Poems after Ionia: A Case in Point”