Douglas Frame

Homeric Greek | Odyssey 1.149–155: Desire for food and drink, and Homeric stringed instruments

We are pleased to share this segment in the series on reading Homeric epic in ancient Greek. In each installment we read, translate, and discuss a small passage in the original Greek in the most accessible way. If you’ve ever dreamed of reading Homer in the original, here is your chance to do so with teachers who have spent a lifetime thinking about this poetry. With their guidance even new… Read more

Greek dialects in epic: the cake of Homeric poetry

In this video, Gregory Nagy, Douglas Frame, and Leonard Muellner have an informal discussion about the functioning of Greek dialects in Homer, focusing on the role of multiple parallel grammatical forms in the system. You can watch the video on the CHS YouTube channel, or in the frame below. Related topics Greek dialects and the poetic super-language Greek dialects in the language of Homer: Mycenaean, and Arcadia Share this:Click to… Read more

From Scheria to Ithaca

Departure of Ulysses from the Land of the Phaeacians, Louvre Museum   Douglas Frame attended a conference hosted by the Center for Odyssean Studies in August of 2017. The topic of his presentation was the “homecoming” of Odysseus, concentrating on “nostos as taking place in a wholly imaginary world.” The notion of a nostos as a “return to life” is deeply imbedded in the Odyssey. I have traced its origins to… Read more

Homeric Greek | Odyssey 1.144–148: Couches, chairs, and camera’s choreography

We are pleased to share this segment in the series on reading Homeric epic in ancient Greek. In each installment we read, translate, and discuss a small passage in the original Greek in the most accessible way. If you’ve ever dreamed of reading Homer in the original, here is your chance to do so with teachers who have spent a lifetime thinking about this poetry. With their guidance even new… Read more