Sophocles’ Antigone Available at Hour 25

Beautiful_Greek_woman_statueWe are pleased to share the text of Sophocles’ Antigone in a revised English translation prepared by members of Hour 25, which includes the Core Vocabulary terms from the HeroesX project.

This is available through the Text Library page, as an html page, or to download as a PDF.

There is a dedicated section of the Forum where members of the community can start to discuss the text.

Look out for further posts about forthcoming activities and opportunities for discussion.

Antigone Team: Brian Prescott-Decie, Jacqui Donlon, Jessica Eichelburg, Claudia Filos, Sarah Scott

Advisers: Gregory Nagy, Leonard Muellner

Picture Credit

By Wonderlane (Flickr) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons