Open House | “What’s a kômos song?”, with Richard Martin

We were excited to welcome back Richard P. Martin for an Open House entitled “What’s a kômos song?” The event took place on Friday, September 25 at 11:00 a.m. EDT and was recorded.

You might like to read the following PDF handouts in connection with this event:

You can watch the recording on our YouTube channel or via the link in the frame below.

Mentioned during the discussion:
Beazley Archive of Pottery

For further videos please visit the Watch page.

Further reading related to this discussion

Bierl, A. 2009. Ritual and Performativity: The Chorus in Old Comedy. Washington, DC: Center for Hellenic Studies

Csapo, E. “Comedy and the Pompe: Dionysian Genre-Crossing,” in E. Bakola, L. Prauscello, and Me. Telò, eds., Greek Comedy and the Discourse of Genres (Cambridge 2013) 40–80.

Casapo, E. “Riding the Phallus for Dionysus: Iconology, Ritual and Gender-Role De/construction,” Phoenix 51 (1997) 253–295.

Hedreen, G. “The Return of Hephaistos, Dionysiac Processional Ritual and the Creation of a Visual Narrative,” The Journal of Hellenic Studies 124 (2004) 38–64

Matheson, S. “Reveling with Dionysos: A Drinking Cup by the Oedipus Painter,” Yale University Art Gallery Bulletin (2017) 102–109.

Smith, Amy C. “Komos Growing up among Satyrs and Children,” Hesperia Supplements (41) Constructions of Childhood in Ancient Greece and Italy (2007) 153–171.

Smith, T.J. “Komastai or ‘Hephaistoi’? Visions of Comic Parody in Archaic Greece,” Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 52 (2009) 69–92.

Richard P. Martin

Before becoming Antony and Isabelle Raubitschek Professor at Stanford in 2000, Professor Martin taught Classics for eighteen years at Princeton University. He is working on several books, concerning Homeric religion; myth; and ancient poetry in performance. He interprets Greek poetry in the light of performance traditions and social practices. His primary interests are in Homeric epic, Greek comedy, mythology, and ancient religion. His research is informed by comparative evidence ranging from fieldwork on oral traditions in contemporary Crete to studies in medieval Irish literature.

Among his major publications are Healing, Sacrifice, and Battle: Amechania and Related Concepts in Early Greek Poetry (1983) and The Language of Heroes: Speech and Performance in the Iliad (1989). He has also published books for general audiences (Myths of the Ancient Greeks, 2003; Bulfinch’s Mythology, edit. 1991) and a number of articles on Greek, Latin, and Irish literature.