Visiting Scholars

Open House | “Poeti Vaganti” in Delphi and Delos, with Angela Cinalli

We were excited to welcome Angela Cinalli of “La Sapienza” University of Rome, for an Open House, entitled “Itinerant professionals of literature and music in the epigraphic sources of the Hellenistic period. ‘Poeti Vaganti’ in Delphi and Delos.” The event took place on Friday, June 12 at 11:00 a.m. EDT, and was recorded. In preparation for the event, you might like to read the primary sources in this PDF handout:… Read more

Open House | Musical Heroes: A Discussion of Pindar’s Pythian 12, with Maša Ćulumović

We were excited to welcome back Maša Ćulumović  for an Open House. The topic of the discussion is “Musical Heroes: A Discussion on Pindar’s Pythian 12.” The event took place on Friday, May 29, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. EDT and was recorded. To get ready for the event, you might like to read: Pythian 12, PDF handout (English, translated by Maša Ćulumović) Pythian 12 (Greek), on Scaife Maša Ćulumović invites… Read more

Open House | Comparative Mythology and Folktale Studies: Kore, Demeter, Baldr, and the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty”

We were excited to welcome Riccardo Ginevra, a  CHS Fellow in Hellenic Studies 2019–2020 for an Open House. The title of the discussion is “Comparative Mythology and Folktale Studies: Kore, Demeter, Baldr, and the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty”” It took place on Friday, May 15, at 11:00 a.m. EDT and was recorded. In preparation, you might like to read: Snorri Sturluson’s Prose Edda, Gylfaginning, chapter 49 Homeric Hymn (2) to… Read more

Open House | Minoan-Mycenaean Scribal Legacy, with Gregory Nagy

We were excited to welcome back Gregory Nagy of Harvard University, Francis Jones Professor of Classical Greek Literature and Professor of Comparative Literature and the Director of the Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington, DC for an Open House. The title of the discussion is “Minoan-Mycenaean Scribal Legacy,” which took place on April 17 at 11:00 a.m. EDT, was live-streamed and recorded. You may like to read the following to get… Read more

Open House | Disease and Social Order: The Plague Narratives of Thucydides and Lucretius, with Robert Cioffi

We were excited to welcome Robert Cioffi of Bard College for an Open House. The title of the discussion is “Disease and Social Order: The Plague Narratives of Thucydides and Lucretius”. The discussion took place on Thursday, April 2 at 11:00 a.m. EDT, live-streamed, and was recorded: scroll down to view the video. Robert introduces these narratives as follows: Thucydides wrote The History of the Peloponnesian War about the conflict between Athens… Read more