Visiting Scholars

Open House | Teaching and Learning the Greek Classics in Prison, with Laura Slatkin

We were excited to welcome back Laura Slatkin for an Open House entitled “Teaching and Learning the Greek Classics in Prison.” The event took place on Friday, January 22 at 11:00 a.m. EST and was recorded. In preparation for this event, you might like to read these passages. You can find the passages in the Sourcebook. Iliad: Rhapsody 16 lines 823–867, and Rhapsody 22 lines 90–166. Libation Bearers 881–930 You… Read more

Open House | Translating a French Book on Ancient Greek Diseases, with Leonard Muellner

We were excited to welcome back Leonard Muellner for an Open House entitled “A French Book on Ancient Greek Diseases and Thoughts about Translating it into English.” The event took place on Thursday, December 17 at 11:00 a.m. EST and was recorded. The translated version of the book under discussion is: Mirko D. Grmek. 1991. Diseases in the Ancient Greek World. Johns Hopkins. Baltimore. You can watch the recording on… Read more

Open House | Uncanny Intruders: Ghosts and Greek Literature, with Robert Cioffi

We were pleased to welcome Robert Cioffi of Bard College, for an Open House discussion entitled “Uncanny Intruders: Ghosts and Greek Literature.” The discussion was live-streamed on Friday, October 23 at 11 a.m. EDT, and was recorded. In preparation for this event, you might like to read this passages: The ghost of Patroklos at Iliad 23.65–108, available from the Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours Sourcebook The ghost of Clytemnestra… Read more

Open House | Immigration and Belonging: Phoenician Immigrants in 4th-Century BCE Athens, with Denise Demetriou

We were pleased to welcome Denise Demetriou, University of California – San Diego, for an Open House discussion entitled “Immigration and Belonging: Phoenician Immigrants in Fourth-Century BCE Athens,” on Friday, October 9, at 11 a.m. EDT, which was recorded In preparation for this event, you might like to read this PDF handout of readings: Immigration and Belonging Handout You can watch the video on our YouTube channel, or in the… Read more

Open House | “What’s a kômos song?”, with Richard Martin

We were excited to welcome back Richard P. Martin for an Open House entitled “What’s a kômos song?” The event took place on Friday, September 25 at 11:00 a.m. EDT and was recorded. You might like to read the following PDF handouts in connection with this event: Dionysos Readings from Aristotle Poetics You can watch the recording on our YouTube channel or via the link in the frame below. Mentioned… Read more