Topic for Discussion

In Focus: Plato Ion 535b–c

{Socrates is speaking:} Hold it right there. Tell me this, Ion—respond to what I ask without concealment. When you say well the epic verses and induce a feeling of bedazzlement [ekplēxis] for the spectators [theōmenoi]—as you sing of Odysseus leaping onto the threshold and revealing himself to the suitors and pouring out the arrows at his feet, or of Achilles rushing at Hector, or something connected to the pitiful things… Read more

The theōriā and the Ship of Theseus

~ A guest post by Rien ~ During our study at HeroesX, I was thrilled by the Hour 23 discussion about the sacred journey [theōriā], the never ending objective of Socrates to enter into dialogue with anyone he encounters. The first text is from the beginning of Plato’s Phaedo, as taken from the Hour 23 of The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours: Phaedo It was a matter of chance… Read more

In Focus: Iliad XI 599–606

|599 He [Nestor] was seen and noted by swift-footed radiant Achilles, |600 who was standing on the spacious stern of his ship, |601 watching the sheer pain [ponos] and tearful struggle of the fight. |602 Then, all of a sudden, he called to his comrade [hetairos] Patroklos, |603 calling from the ship, and he [Patroklos] from inside the tent heard him [Achilles], |604 and he [Patroklos] came out, equal [īsos]… Read more

Composition-in-Performance and Micronarrative

~ A guest post by Sarah Scott ~ As some of you know, Jack Vaughan and I have been reading the Old English poem Beowulf together, using the same slow reading techniques and discussions that we have been used to in HeroesX and Hour 25 [= Kosmos Society]. Recently we were looking at a passage in which a poet tells a story, and of course it brought to mind the… Read more