Book Club

Book Club | April 2023: Theophrastus Characters

Often before now have I applied my thoughts to the puzzling question — one, probably, which will puzzle me for ever — why it is that, while all Greece lies under the same sky and all the Greeks are educated alike, it has befallen us to have characters so variously constituted. Proem of Theophrastus Characters, translated by R.C. Jebb For April, our Book Club selection is the Characters of Theophrastus. Theophrastus,… Read more

Book Club | March 2023: Speeches of Demosthenes

Mark the situation, men of Athens: mark the pitch which the man’s outrageous insolence has reached, when he does not even give you a choice between action and inaction, but threatens you, and utters (as we are told) haughty language: for he is not the man to rest content in possession of his conquests: he is always casting his net wider; and while we procrastinate and sit idle, he is… Read more

Book Club | February 2023: Longus Daphnis and Chloe

I was hunting on the island of Lesbos when I saw the most beautiful sight I have ever seen in the grove of the Nymphs. It was a story about Eros. The grove was a beautiful place, abounding in trees and flowers. Streams of water gushed down, flowing from the same spring that nourished the trees and flowers. But I found more pleasure in the painting, instilled as it was… Read more

Book Club | January 2023: Seneca Thyestes

Atreus … I must dare some crime, atrocious, bloody, such as my brother would more wish were his. Crimes thou dost not avenge, save as thou dost surpass them. And what crime can be so dire as to overtop his sin? Does he lie downcast? Does he in prosperity endure control, rest in defeat? I know the untamable spirit of the man; bent it cannot be – but it can… Read more

Book Club | Winter–Summer 2023

There is no Book Club reading or meeting for December, because of the holiday season, but here is a preview of what is coming up in the first part of 2023. Details of selected passages, and links to free online versions, will be included in the monthly announcements as usual. Looking forward to further interesting discussions, comparing ideas and reactions, in the Forum and via Zoom—they are always enriching voyages… Read more