Book Club

Book Club | August 2014: Homeric Hymns to Dionysus

~ Update ~ In addition to our original selection, for the discussion on September 5 we will also read Hymn 26, which is also to Dionysus. Here is a link to the English text: Homeric Hymn 26: to Dionysus Our next Book Club selections are the Homeric Hymns to Dionysus, Hymn numbers 1 and 7. You can find the English texts on Perseus: Homeric Hymn 1: to Dionysus Homeric Hymn… Read more

Book Club | June 2014: Iliad 10 and the poetics of ambush

In conjunction with the visiting scholars, Casey Dué and Mary Ebbott, in June we will be reading Iliad Scroll X from the Sourcebook and Iliad 10 and the Poetics of Ambush, Part 1, Essays 1–4: 1: Interpreting Iliad 10 2: The Poetics of Ambush 3: Tradition and Reception: Rhesos, Dolon, and the Doloneia 4: Iliad 10: A Multitextual Approach Google+ Hangout will be on Friday, June 20th @ 1:00 p.m… Read more

Book Club | May 2014: Homer’s Versicolored Fabric

The Hour 25’s Book Club selections for May are: Chapter 1 of Anna Bonifazi’s Homer’s Versicolored Fabric: Evocative Power of Ancient Greek Epic Word-Making. Scrolls 1–4 of the Homeric Odyssey, from the H24H Sourcebook. Live discussions will take place at: May 21st at 1pm EDT, via Google+ Hangout May 28th at 2pm EDT in the Project Chatroom And you can join in discussion on the Book Club Forum thread and… Read more

Book Club | April 2014: Euripides Herakles

The Hour 25 Book Club’s selection for April is Herakles by Euripides. The drama is part of our Text Library, and it is available under the “Texts” page as a PDF or epub. Join us for the following events: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 Google+ Hangout at 1:00 p.m EDT Wednesday, April 30, 2014 Live Chat/ Project Chatroom at 2:00 p.m EDT If you plan to attend the Google+ Hangout, please… Read more

Book Club | March 2014: The Short Writings of Douglas Frame

We are very pleased to welcome Douglas Frame to Hour 25. It will be timely to read three articles by Douglas Frame for the Book Club’s March selection. Achilles and Patroclos as Indo-European Twins: Homer’s Take New Light on the Homeric Question: The Phaeacians Unmasked The Homeric Poems After Ionia: A Case in Point, in Classics@ 3 We will read “Achilles and Patroclus as Indo-European Twins: Homer’s Take” AND “New… Read more