Book Club

Book Club | November 2019: Euripides Trojan Women

The maidens I brought up to see chosen for some marriage high, for strangers have I reared them, and seen them snatched away. Nevermore can I hope to be seen by them, nor shall my eyes behold them ever in the days to come. And last, to crown my misery, I shall be brought to Hellas, a slave in my old age. Our Book Club selection this month is a… Read more

Book Club | October 2019: Greek and Roman Actors

For October’s Book Club, we will be reading selections from Greek and Roman Actors: Aspects of an Ancient Profession, edited by Pat Easterling and Edith Hall, which will provide the opportunity to read different perspectives about various aspects of theatrical performance in ancient Greece. Our suggested readings are: Chapter 1: “The singing actors of antiquity” by Edith Hall Chapter 6: “Looking for the actor’s art in Aristotle” by G.M. Sifakis… Read more

Book Club | September 2019: Menander The Grouch

Old man Knemon hates everyone! A grouch to one and all! Grumpy all day long! Our September Book Club selection is a comedy by Menander, The Grouch [Dyskolos], also known as The Difficult Man, The Bad-Tempered Man, The Misanthrope, The Curmudgeon or The Peevish Fellow in different translations. Menander (c 342–291 BCE) was a major New Comedy playwright from Athens. In a thirty-year career he wrote over 100 plays, but won only… Read more

Forthcoming Book Club selections | Fall 2019

As our summer readings draw to a close, we look ahead to the Fall season of the Book Club. We will be reading selections from secondary sources, and from ancient Greek primary texts, with a focus on drama. September: Menander October: selections from Edith Hall Greek and Roman Actors November: Euripides Look out for further announcements in September, October, and November with details of the selections, links to free online… Read more

Book Club | August 2019: Apollodorus Library, 3.8–3.16

When Thetis had got a babe by Peleus, she wished to make it immortal, and unknown to Peleus she used to hide it in the fire by night in order to destroy the mortal element which the child inherited from its father, but by day she anointed him with ambrosia. But Peleus watched her, and, seeing the child writhing on the fire, he cried out; and Thetis, thus prevented from… Read more