
Book Club | August 2024: Ovid’s Metamorphoses Books 5 & 6

A screen of foliage filters out the sun. Boughs keep it shaded, and the dewy ground puts forth assorted blooms. It’s always spring. Inside this grove, Proserpina is playing as she picks violets or bright white lilies. With girlish eagerness she fills her baskets and skirt, eager to beat her friends at picking. Almost at once, Dis sees her, wants her, steals her. So quick is love. The terror-stricken goddess calls sadly for her mother and her friends — her… Read more

Olympic Games

The Ancient Olympic Games were not the first occurrence of organized sport in the ancient world. There were funeral games, ancient Egyptian sports during the reign of the Pharaohs, and other ancient civilizations (Sumer, Hittite, Chinese etc.) most probably had forms of organized sport. It may be safe to say that the first organized sport originated long ago with whoever could launch a projectile (rock, spear, archery, or sling to… Read more

Book Club | July 2024: Ovid’s Metamorphoses Books 3 & 4

He flees through places where he’d often chasedHe flees from his own pets! He yearned to shout,“I am Actaeon‒recognize your master!”The longed–for words won’t come. Barks fill the air.Blackfur is first to gash his back with wounds,Beast–tamer next. Highlander bites his shoulder;he’s set out last but took a mountain shortcutand got there first. As they hold down their master,the whole pack gathers round and bites his fleshuntil there’s no room… Read more

Mésalliance; Unequally-Yoked

And now she is back with the old dilemma – who caused the war? She has been blamed, Paris has been blamed but, fundamentally, it was the fault of Thetis, mother of Achilles. There is the old argument regarding Mésalliance, a goddess marries a mortal, some social discord is sure to arise[1] Some social disruption! The destruction of Troy, the wasting of a generation of men on both sides of… Read more

Book Club | June 2024: Bring Your Own Book

It’s June, so the choice is over to you. As in previous years, you can bring your own selection, one book that you like, or dislike, and share your thoughts about it. You can read any book (or part of a book) you like related to the ancient Greeks, whether a primary or secondary source. Depending on how many attend the live discussion you will be allocated some time to… Read more