
Open House | Ancient Greek Brides, Death, and Exchange, with Olga Levaniouk

Our community recently welcomed Professor Olga Levaniouk of the University of Washington to the Chatroom. (We hope to share that transcript with you in the coming days.) After the live chat, Professor Levaniouk joined us by video to share additional thoughts about her research on ancient Greek weddings. Together we raise and discuss several provocative questions such as: Why does the bride wish for death at one point in the… Read more

Current Book Club Selection: Aristophanes’ Clouds

The Book Club of Hour 25 will be opening with Aristophanes’ Clouds. Cedric H. Whitman in his book Aristophanes and the Comic Hero (Harvard University Press 1964) describes Clouds as: “… a  serious work that is almost universally accepted as a manifesto of Aristophanes’ educational beliefs, his hatred of sophistic teaching, and his belief in the old, conservative way…” Chapter IV-p 119 The play is available online on the following links.… Read more

Chat with Olga Levaniouk Thursday Jan. 16 and Friday Jan. 17

Professor Olga Levaniouk visited Hour 25 on Thursday, January 16th in the live chatroom and then answered some questions on this topic thread in the Forum, our meeting space for visiting scholars. She visited the chatroom again the following day. Levaniouk is an Associate Professor of Classics at the University of Washington. Her first book, Eve of the Festival: Making Myth in Odyssey 19, uses the first dialogue between Penelope and… Read more

New Year, New Life, New Banner

A guest post by Jacqui Donlon With the arrival of the New Year, our Hour 25 site was dressed up with a new look. Even in its cropped form, the beauty of the mosaic is evident; and there is a wonderful story behind this banner. It is a story of a masterpiece created, lost, then restored back to life. The portion that you see above is part of a triptych mosaic… Read more

Creating a Gravatar: Step-by-Step Instructions

A guest post by Rob Jenson, one of the CHS systems administrators. You may notice that some members of our community have a customized image associated with their profile. Our FAQ explains that those images are called Gravatars. Here’s how to get your own! Steps to create a Gravatar: Select an image or icon that you would like to use to represent you on Hour25 or any other WordPress site… Read more