Reading Greek Tragedy Online

Each week, the Center for Hellenic Studies, Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre are streaming a reading and discussion of ancient Greek tragedy, hosted by Joel Christensen and featuring special guests. The live stream is on Wednesdays at 3 p.m. EDT on the Center’s YouTube channel, and the recordings are then available on the Reading Greek Tragedy Online playlist. For more information about outreach opportunities through the Reading Greek Tragedy Online project, contact

Coming up

  • September 23: Euripides Suppliants with Angeliki Tzanetou (Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
  • September 30: Euripides Phoenician Women with Anna Lamari (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
  • October 7: Performing Epic: Iliad with Lynn Kozak (McGill University)


Here are the dramas featured so far (alphabetical list: follow the links):

Suppliants | Persians | Prometheus Bound | Seven Against Thebes
Alcestis | Andromache | Bacchae | Electra | Hecuba | Helen | Herakles | Hippolytus | Ion | Iphigenia in Aulis | Iphigenia in Tauris | Orestes | Suppliants | Trojan Women
Ajax | Electra | Electra (full reading) | Antigone | Oedipus Tyrannus | Philoktetes | Women of Trachis
Choral passages and performance:
The Chorus

Here are the dramas featured so far (most recent first):

Euripides Suppliants

Mentioned in discussion:
Complete reading of Euripides Suppliants: Thursday, 24 September 2020 from 19:00-21:30 MDT [= 9pm–11:30pm EDT]
Relative Theatrics registration link Register for the reading via Zoom at

Relative Theatrics Facebook event: T

Further details

Details of text, scene selections, cast, featured actors and researchers:

A reading and discussion of Euripides’ Suppliants, hosted by Joel Christensen (Brandeis University) with special guest Angeliki Tzanetou (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). Featured actors include Hannah Barrie, Carlos Bellato, Evelyn Miller, Paul O’Mahony, David Rubin, Sara Valentine, and Noree Victoria.

Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre. For more information about outreach opportunities through the Reading Greek Tragedy Online project, contact To learn about the Medea scene competition, visit

Scene selections and cast:

1-41: Aethra
87-364: Theseus, Aethra, Adrastus, Chorus
399-584: Herald, Theseus
778-910: Chorus, Theseus, Adrastus
955-1071: Evadne, Iphis, Chorus
1165-1231: Athena, Adrastus, Theseus, Chorus

Hannah Barrie – Chorus
Carlos Bellato – Iphis
Evelyn Miller – Theseus
Paul O’Mahony – Chorus / Herald
David Rubin – Adrastus
Sara Valentine – Aethra/Athena
Noree Victoria – Evadne

More information about the cast and featured speakers is at

Aeschylus Seven Against Thebes

Details of text, scene selections, cast, featured actors and researchers:

A reading and discussion of Aeschylus’ Seven Against Thebes (translation by Ian Johnston), hosted by Joel Christensen (Brandeis University) with special guest Naomi Weiss (Harvard University). Featured actors include Hannah Barrie, Tim Delap, Tabatha Gayle, Evelyn Miller, Paul O’Mahony, and Sara Valentine.

Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre. For more information about outreach opportunities through the Reading Greek Tragedy Online project, contact To learn about the Medea scene competition, visit

The text is available at

Scene selections and cast:

1–35: Eteocles
78–287: Eteocles, Chorus
375–791: Messenger, Eteocles, Chorus
845–1010: Chorus, Antigone, Ismene

Eteocles – Tim Delap
Chorus – Hannah Barrie and Paul O’Mahony
Messenger – Sara Valentine
Antigone – Tabatha Gayle
Ismene – Evelyn Miller

More information about the cast and featured speakers is at

Euripides Electra

Further details

Details of text, scene selections, cast, featured actors and researchers:

A reading and discussion of Euripides’ Electra (translation by Ian Johnston), hosted by Joel Christensen (Brandeis University) with special guest Robert Groves (The University of Arizona). Featured actors include Carlos Bellato, Tim Delap, Bettina Joy de Guzman, Lanah Koelle, Evelyn Miller, Paul O’Mahony, Eunice Roberts, and David Rubin.

Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre. For more information about outreach opportunities through the Reading Greek Tragedy Online project, contact To learn about the Medea scene competition, visit

The text is available at

Scene selections and cast

1–82: Peasant, Electra
82–400: Orestes, Electra, Chorus, Pylades
487–613: Old Man, Electra, Orestes, Chorus, Pylades
774–843: Messenger
961–1355: Orestes, Electra, Chorus, Clytaemnestra, Dioscuri (Castor and Polydeuces), Pylades

Peasant – Carlos Bellato
Electra – Evelyn Miller
Orestes – Tim Delap
Pylades/Messenger – Paul O’Mahony
Chorus – Bettina Joy de Guzman and Lanah Koelle
Old Man – David Rubin
Clytaemnestra – Eunice Roberts
Castor and Polydeuces – Carlos Bellato

More information about the cast and featured speakers is at

Aeschylus Suppliants

Mentioned during the discussion:

Further details

Details of text, scene selections, cast, featured actors and researchers:

A reading and discussion of Aeschylus’ Suppliants (translation by Herbert Weir-Smyth), hosted by Joel Christensen (Brandeis University) with special guest Rebecca Futo Kennedy (Denison University). Featured actors include Tamieka Chavis, Tabatha Gayle, David Rubin, Damian Jermaine Thompson, and Argyris Xafis.

Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies (, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre ( For more information about outreach opportunities through the Reading Greek Tragedy Online project, contact or check out

The text is available at

Scene selections and cast

1–233: Chorus, Danaus
234–503: King (Pelasgus), Chorus, Danaus
600–824: Danaus, Chorus
843–1073: Chorus, Herald, Danaus, King (Pelasgus), Chorus of Handmaidens

Chorus – Tamieka Chavis and Tabatha Gayle
Danaus – David Rubin
King – Damian Jermaine Thompson
Herald of Aegyptus – Argyris Xafis

More information about the cast and featured speakers is at

Euripides Hippolytus

Further details

Details of text, scene selections, cast, featured actors and researchers:

A reading and discussion of Euripides’ Hippolytus (translation by Ian Johnston), hosted by Joel Christensen (Brandeis University) with special guest Eirene Visvardi (Wesleyan University). Featured actors include Noelia Antweiler, Mariah Gale, Marietta Hedges, Toph Marshall, David Rubin, Rhys Rusbatch, and Noree Victoria.

Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies (, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre ( For more information about outreach opportunities through the Reading Greek Tragedy Online project, contact or check out

Text available at

Scene selections and cast

Lines 1-87: Aphrodite, Hippolytus, Chorus/Attendants
Lines 198-518: Phaedra, Nurse, Chorus
Lines 601-667: Nurse, Hippolytus, Phaedra (present but unseen)
Lines 885-1101: Theseus, Hippolytus, Chorus
Lines 1153-1466: Messenger, Theseus, Hippolytus, Artemis, Chorus

Artemis and Aphrodite – Noree Victoria
Hippolytus – Rhys Rusbatch
Phaedra – Mariah Gale
Nurse – Marietta Hedges
Theseus – David Rubin
Messenger – Toph Marshall
Chorus – Noelia Antweiler

More information about the cast and featured speakers is at

Sophocles Electra: full reading

A full reading of Sophocles’ Electra (translation by Paul Woodruff, courtesy of Hackett Publishing Company).

Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies (, the Kosmos Society (, and Out of Chaos Theatre ( For more information about outreach opportunities through the Reading Greek Tragedy Online project, contact


Orestes: Tim Delap
Chrysothemis: Tabatha Gayle
Tutor: Rob Matney
Electra: Evelyn Miller
Pylades: Paul O’Mahony
Clytemnestra: Eunice Roberts
Aegisthus: René Thornton Jr
Chorus: Carlos Bellato, Damian Thompson, Sara Valentine

More information about the cast is at

Euripides Iphigenia in Tauris

More information about Playing Medea, a student competition, is at

A reading and discussion of Euripides’ Iphigenia in Tauris (translation by Cecilia Luschnig), hosted by Joel Christensen (Brandeis University) with special guest Niall Slater (Emory University). Featured actors include Tim Delap, Alice Haig, Marietta Hedges, Brian Nelson Jr., Paul O’Mahony, and Noree Victoria.Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre. For more information about outreach opportunities through the Reading Greek Tragedy Online project, contact information about Playing Medea, a student competition, is at

Scene selections and cast

1–65: Iphigenia, Orestes, Pylades
466–1088: Iphigenia, Orestes, Pylades, Chorus
1153–1233: Iphigenia, Thoas, Chorus
1422–1489: Thoas, Athena

Iphigenia – Alice Haig
Orestes – Brian Nelson Jr
Pylades – Paul O’Mahony
Chorus – Marietta Hedges
Thoas – Tim Delap
Athena – Noree Victoria

More information about the cast and featured speakers is at

Sophocles Electra

A reading and discussion of Sophocles’ Electra (translation by Paul Woodruff, courtesy of Hackett Publishing Company), hosted by Joel Christensen (Brandeis University) with special guest Amy R. Cohen (Randolph College). Featured actors include Tim Delap, Tabatha Gayle, Evvy Miller, Eunice Roberts, René Thornton Jr., and Sara Valentine.Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies (, the Kosmos Society (, and Out of Chaos Theatre ( For more information about outreach opportunities through the Reading Greek Tragedy Online project, contact

Scene selections and cast

86–230, Electra, Chorus
328–471, Electra, Chrysothemis, Chorus
516–659, Electra, Clytemnestra, Chorus
871–1055, Electra, Chrysothemis
1098–1264, Electra, Orestes, Chorus
1385–1510: Electra, Chorus, Aegisthus, Orestes, Clytemnestra

Orestes – Tim Delap
Electra – Evvy Miller
Clytemnestra – Eunice Roberts
Chrysothemis – Tabatha Gayle
Aegisthus – René Thornton Jr.
Chorus – Sara Valentine

More information about the cast and featured speakers is at

Sophocles Antigone

A reading and discussion of Sophocles’ Antigone (translation by Paul Woodruff, courtesy of Hackett Publishing Company), hosted by Joel Christensen (Brandeis University) with special guests James Collins (University of Sydney) and Paul Woodruff (The University of Texas at Austin). Featured actors include Carlos Bellato, Tim Delap, Tabatha Gayle, Austin Lee, Gryphon Magnus, Evvy Miller, Paul O’Mahony, and Sara Valentine.Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies (, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre ( For more information about outreach opportunities through the Reading Greek Tragedy Online project, contact

Scene selections and cast

1–99: Antigone and Ismene
332–581: Chorus, Antigone, Creon, Ismene
631–780: Creon, Haemon, Chorus
781–943: Chorus, Antigone, Creon
1193–1243: Messenger
1261-1353: Creon, Messenger, Chorus

Antigone – Tabatha Gayle
Ismene – Evvy Miller
Creon – Tim Delap
Chorus – Sara Valentine, Austin Lee, and Gryphon Magnus
Haemon – Carlos Bellato
Messenger – Paul O’Mahony

More information about the cast and featured speakers is at

The Chorus

“The Chorus,” a special edition of Reading Greek Tragedy Online focusing on choral passages and performance. Featured performers include Hannah Barrie, Bettina Joy de Guzman, Tim Delap, T. Lynn Mikeska, Evelyn Miller, Paul O’Mahony, and Sara Valentine. Joel Christensen (Brandeis University) and Anna S. Uhlig (University of California, Davis) lead the discussion. Translations of selected texts are by Ian Johnston. Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies (, the Kosmos Society (, and Out of Chaos Theatre ( more information about outreach opportunities through the Reading Greek Tragedy Online project, contact available at passage selections include:Antigone parados (Bettina Joy de Guzman)
Agamemnon parados
Antigone Ode to Man (Sara Valentine)
Medea 5th stasimon
Antigone 5th stasimon (Bettina Joy de Guzman)
Eumenides binding song (T. Lynn Mikesha)

More information about the performers and commentators is at

Euripides Alcestis

Further details

Details of text, scene selections, cast, featured actors and researchers:

A reading and discussion of Euripides’ Alcestis (translation by C. A. E. Luschnig). Featured actors include Noelia Antweiler, Tabatha Gayle, Martin Lewis, Toph Marshall, Paul O’Mahony, and René Thornton Jr. Joel Christensen (Brandeis) and Maria Xanthou (University of Bristol) lead the discussion. Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre.For more information about outreach opportunities through the Reading Greek Tragedy Online project, contact available at

Scene selections and cast

1–76: Apollo and Thanatos
77–135: Chorus
238–392: Chorus, Alcestis, Admetus
509–568: Admetus, Heracles, Chorus
747–860: Servant and Heracles
1008–1158: Heracles, Admetus, Alcestis (silent)

Thanatos – Noelia Antweiler
Alcestis – Tabatha Gayle
Admetus – Martin K. Lewis
Chorus – Toph Marshall
Apollo/Servant – Paul O’Mahony
Heracles – René Thornton Jr

Featured actors, researchers, and guests

Noelia Antweiler is an actor and creative professional, living in New York City. As an actor, Noelia has performed in numerous NYC and regional theatres, and has additional credits in film and television. Noelia is also a trained aerialist in silks, lyra, and double-point harness, and loves to be in the air. When she is not performing, Noelia is an educator and administrator at several organizations: she currently serves as the Director of Virtual Programming at Relative Theatrics, the Director of Development for Arête Theatrics, and is an educator and producer for Voices Inside/Out, an organization committed to reducing recidivism in prisons across the country.

Joel Christensen is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Classical Studies at Brandeis University. His The Many-Minded Man: the Odyssey, Psychology, and the Therapy of Epic, published by Cornell University Press, will appear in 2020.

Tabatha Gayle is a New York based multi-disciplinary creator and performer who has developed work at various theaters, such as Musical Theater Factory, Ars Nova, and Poetic Theater Productions. As a performer she has appeared off-broadway at venues such as Here Arts Center, New York Musical Festival, Ars Nova, and The Flea.

Martin K. Lewis is an actor from and based in NYC. Recent credits include: REGIONAL – Alabama Shakespeare Festival, Miami New Drama, Elm Shakespeare Company. OFF-BROADWAY – New Light Theater Project: & The New York Theater Workshop.

Toph Marshall is Professor of Greek at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. His work on tragedy includes books on Euripides’ Helen and Aeschylus’ Libation Bearers. He has also published on Greek and Roman comedy, American comics, Battlestar Galactica, and The Wire.

Paul O’Mahony is artistic director of Out of Chaos with whom he created the award winning Unmythable. He recently toured the US in their production of Macbeth and is currently working on two productions inspired by ancient culture. He has twice been a visiting artist at the CHS.

René Thornton Jr is a resident company member with Delaware’s Resident Ensemble Players. For nearly 14 years he was a resident company member with the American Shakespeare Center where he appeared in 118 productions and completed his goal of performing professionally in all of the plays in Shakespeare’s Folio.

Maria G. Xanthou, FHEA, is a Senior Research Associate at the University of Bristol, teaches history of Greek civilization and culture at the Hellenic Open University, and is a Research Associate in Pindaric Studies at Harvard CHS. Her interests lie within the intersection of ancient history, material culture, and classical philology, and include epichoric identities in the coastline of Northern Greece, resilience in ancient communities and urban clusters, history of emotions, Greek lyric poetry, both monodic and choral (Stesichorus, Pindar, and Bacchylides), Aristophanic and Attic comedy (5th c. BCE), Attic rhetoric (Isocrates), history of classical scholarship, and e-learning.

Aristophanes Clouds

Further details

Details of text, scene selections, cast, featured actors and researchers:

A reading and discussion of Aristophanes’ Clouds (translation by Ian Johnston). Directed by Beth Burns, this adapted production features performances by James Callás Ball, Judd Farris, Tony Jayawardena, Patrick Walshe McBride, T. Lynn Mikeska, Richard Neale, René Thornton Jr., and Valoneecia Tolbert. Joel Christensen (Brandeis) and Joel Alden Schlosser (Bryn Mawr College) lead the discussion. Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre.For more information about outreach opportunities through the Reading Greek Tragedy Online project, contact available at


The actors include:

Socrates – Tony Jayawardena
Strepsaides – René Thornton Jr.
Pheidippides – Patrick Walshe McBride
Main Chorus – T. Lynn Mikeska, Valoneecia Tolbert
Main Student. -James Callás Ball
Good Argument – Judd Farris
Worse Argument – Richard Neale

Featured actors, researchers, and guests

James Callás Ball is a freelance director and actor based in London, England. He is a Junior Associate Director at the Kings Head Theatre and founder of Speechless Theatre Company. He is Associate Director of the three-times Olivier Award nominated production of Amelie the Musical.

Beth Burns is the Artistic Director for Austin Texas’ The Hidden Room Theatre.

Joel Christensen is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Classical Studies at Brandeis University. His The Many-Minded Man: the Odyssey, Psychology, and the Therapy of Epic, published by Cornell University Press, will appear in 2020.

Judd Farris

Tony Jayawardena has numerous credits in leading roles at the RSC and Shakespeare’s Globe. Recently seen in Series 4 of The Crown.

Patrick Walshe McBride studied Oriental Studies with Modern and Medieval Languages at the University of Cambridge before training as an actor at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. He has since worked internationally in theatre, television and film. Credits include Peer Gynt (Barbican), Photograph 51 (Noel Coward), Trouble in Mind (Theatre Royal Bath), Harold and Maude (Charing Cross), Hamlet (Kronborg Castle, Elsinore), The Winter’s Tale (Crucible), Dracula (BBC/Netflix), Shakespeare and Hathaway (BBC), Giri/Haji (Netflix/BBC), Pixies (Youtube Red), Backdraft II (Universal) and Lake of the Dead (Pryserfilm).

T. Lynn Mikeska is an actor, writer, musician and puppeteer currently pursuing her MFA in acting at the University Of Georgia.

Richard Neale is associate director of Actor From The London Stage with whom he has toured the US playing leading roles in The Tempest, King Lear and Othello. A director and teacher, Richard has almost 20 years’ experience of performing in the UK.

Joel Alden Schlosser teaches political theory at Bryn Mawr College. Previously, he held the Julian Steward Chair in the Social Sciences at Deep Springs College. He has published numerous essays on ancient political thought, politics and American literature, and pedagogy. He is the author of What Would Socrates Do? Self-examination, civic engagement, and the politics of philosophy (Cambridge, 2014) and Herodotus in the Anthropocene (Chicago, 2020).

René Thornton Jr. is a resident company member with Delaware’s Resident Ensemble Players. For nearly 14 years he was a resident company member with the American Shakespeare Center where he appeared in 118 productions and completed his goal of performing professionally in all of the plays in Shakespeare’s Folio.

Valoneecia Tolbert was most recently in Lisa B Thompson’s Single Black Female as SBF1. Some of her past roles include Lisa B Thompson’s world premier of The Mamalogues as “Beverly”, “Hellena” in Hidden Room’s critically acclaimed The Rover; Actor #6 in the critically acclaimed, We Are Proud.., directed by Liz Fisher, and “Marianne Angel” in The Revolutionists directed by Rudy Ramirez. She is a company member of Hidden Room Theater, Ashe Arts Collective, the Vortex and Shrewd Productions and obtained her BFA from Texas State University at San Marcos. She is represented by Collier Talent Agency.

Euripides Andromache

Further details

Details of text, scene selections, cast, featured actors and researchers:

A reading and discussion of Euripides’ Andromache (translation by D. Kovacs). Tamieka Chavis, Michael Lumsden, Evelyn Miller, Brian Nelson Jr, Paul O’Mahony, Sara Valentine, and Noree Victoria perform select scenes, with Joel Christensen (Brandeis) and Katerina Ladianou (Center for Hellenic Studies) leading the discussion. Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre.For more information about outreach opportunities through the Reading Greek Tragedy Online project, contact available at

Scene selections and cast

Scene selections are:

1-55: Andromache
147-273: Andromache, Hermione, Chorus
545-765: Peleus, Menelaus, Andromache, Chorus
891-953: Orestes, Hermione
1166-1283: Chorus, Peleus, Thetis

The actors include:

Andromache – Tamieka Chavis
Peleus – Michael Lumsden
Hermione – Evelyn Miller
Menelaus – Brian Nelson Jr
Orestes – Paul O’Mahony
Chorus – Sara Valentine
Thetis – Noree Victoria

Featured actors, researchers, and guests

Tamieka Chavis is a resident company member with Chesapeake Shakespeare Company playing leading roles in Macbeth and The Tempest. She has been nominated for and awarded numerous awards, including the Daytime Emmy Awards, Indie Series Awards, Broadway World Awards.

Joel Christensen is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Classical Studies at Brandeis University. His The Many-Minded Man: the Odyssey, Psychology, and the Therapy of Epic, published by Cornell University Press, will appear in 2020.

Katerina Ladianou studied Greek Philology at the University of Crete (BA and MA) and received her Doctorate Degree at the Ohio State University. Her PhD thesis discussed the feminine voice in Archaic Greek Poetry. She has taught both Greek and Latin at the Ohio State University, University of Patras, University of Crete, and University of Athens. Her scholarly interests include archaic Greek poetry (both epic and lyric), Roman love elegy, performance and gender.

Michael Lumsden is a regular on the BBC’s The Archers, and has worked in UK theatre for over 30 years with a string of credits at The Orange Tree Theatre in London.

Evelyn Miller just finished playing Bianca in The Taming of the Shrew at Shakespeare’s Globe. Other recent credits include leading roles at the National Theatre and RSC. Evvy is an associate director of Actors From The London Stage.

Brian Arkamian Nelson Jr. is known for NBC’s Chicago MED, Chicago P.D. and FOX’s A.P.B. Originally from Chicago, he has worked regionally at theaters such as Alabama Shakespeare Festival, Paramount Theatre and Court Theatre. In 2018, Brian spent the summer studying acting at Oxford University with the British American Drama Academy. Brian is currently living and working in LA as an actor.

Paul O’Mahony ( is artistic director of Out of Chaos with whom he created the award winning Unmythable. He recently toured the US in their production of Macbeth and is currently working on two productions inspired by ancient culture. He has twice been a visiting artist at the CHS.

Emma Pauly ( is a Chicago-based dramaturg, classicist, translator and performer specializing in Greek tragedy. Her work centers on performance and reception of tragedy, particularly in the context of queer themes and representation. Their translation of Euripides’ Bacchae has most recently been published in the translation journal The Mercurian.

Sara Valentine is a professor and the department chair of theatre at the University of Southern Maine, outside Portland, Maine. She teaches courses in acting, voice/speech, and professional development. She is co-founder of Really Inventive Stuff, a vaudeville-inspired theatre company that creates family programming with symphony orchestras throughout North America.

Noree Victoria is an actor, writer, and the Vice-Chair of New Filmmakers Los Angeles. An alumna of the University of Maryland, BADA, and the New York Conservatory for the Dramatic Arts, she has most recently appeared in Little, American Crime Story: The People vs. OJ Simpson, and Queen Sugar.

Aeschylus Prometheus Bound

Further details

Details of text, scene selections, cast, featured actors and researchers:

A reading and discussion of Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound (translated by Elizabeth Barrett Browning). Kareem Badr, Sarah-Marie Curry, Tim Delap, Ronan Melomo, Evelyn Miller, and Paul O’Mahony perform select scenes, with Joel Christensen (Brandeis) and Joshua Billings (Princeton University) leading the discussion. Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre.For more information about outreach opportunities through the Reading Greek Tragedy Online project, contact available at,_and_other_poems/Prometheus_Bound

Scene selections and cast

Selection 1 – Strength and Hephaestus
Selection 2 – Io, Chorus, Prometheus
Selection 3 – Prometheus, Hermes, Chorus

The actors include:

Hephaestus – Kareem Badr
Chorus – Sarah Marie Curry
Prometheus – Tim Delap
Hermes – Ronan Melomo
Io – Evelyn Miller
Strength – Paul O’Mahony

Featured actors, researchers, and guests

Kareem Badr is an actor, improviser, and teacher based out of Austin, TX. He is a co-owner of The Hideout Theatre, and performs and teaches internationally with his improv troupe PGraph.

Joshua Billings teaches in the Classics Department at Princeton University. His research focuses on Greek tragedy, intellectual history, and classical reception. He has published Genealogy of the Tragic: Greek Tragedy and German Philosophy (Princeton 2014) and is currently finishing a book on Greek drama and early Greek philosophy, which will be published in 2021.

Joel Christensen is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Classical Studies at Brandeis University. His The Many-Minded Man: the Odyssey, Psychology, and the Therapy of Epic, published by Cornell University Press, will appear in 2020.

Sarah Marie Curry has been an actor and working artist for over a decade. Regional acting credits include: The Last Five Years (Jamie), Fun Home (Alison), Company (Jenny), Into the Woods (Cinderella) to name a few. On stage she has been called “hilarious,” “fierce,” “truly exceptional” and is a local Austin, Texas award winner for Outstanding Lead Actress in multiple productions over the years.

Tim Delap has performed several times in leading roles at the National Theatre and in the West End. He recently played Rochester in the National Theatre’s critically-acclaimed Jane Eyre.

Liz Fisher is an interdisciplinary theatermaker based in Austin. Her directing work explores applications of mixed realities, immersive theatre strategies, and game mechanics in new play development and reimaginings of classic texts. As a Princess Grace Award winner, she has been a guest artist at universities around the country.

Ronan Melomo is an Austin, Texas based theatre maker and arts educator. He graduated from NYU & the Stella Adler Studio of Acting with a BFA in acting and has focused much of his career on classical theatre. He hopes to continue his training in graduate school to further his craft and serve as a voice that amplifies underheard voices and uplifts the theatrical community as a whole.

Evelyn Miller just finished playing Bianca in The Taming of the Shrew at Shakespeare’s Globe. Other recent credits include leading roles at the National Theatre and RSC. Evvy is an associate director of Actors From The London Stage.

Paul O’Mahony ( is artistic director of Out of Chaos with whom he created the award winning Unmythable. He recently toured the US in their production of Macbeth and is currently working on two productions inspired by ancient culture. He has twice been a visiting artist at the CHS.

Emma Pauly ( is a Chicago-based dramaturg, classicist, translator and performer specializing in Greek tragedy. Her work centers on performance and reception of tragedy, particularly in the context of queer themes and representation. Their translation of Eurpides’ Bacchae has most recently been published in the translation journal The Mercurian.

Euripides Hecuba

Further details

Details of text, scene selections, cast, featured actors and researchers:

A reading and discussion of Euripides’ Hecuba (translated by J. Kardan and L. Gray-Street). Carlos Bellato, Tajh Bellow, Tamieka Chavis, Tim Delap, Evelyn Miller, and Eunice Roberts perform select scenes, with Joel Christensen (Brandeis) and Toph Marshall (University of British Columbia) leading the discussion. Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre.For more information about outreach opportunities through the Reading Greek Tragedy Online project, contact available at

Scene selections and cast

59–97 – Hecuba
177–443 – Hecuba, Polyxena, Chorus, Odysseus
953–1295 – Polymestor, Chorus, Hecuba, Agamemnon

Hecuba – Eunice Roberts
Polyxena – Evelyn Miller
Chorus – Tamieka Chavis
Odysseus – Tajh Bellow
Polymestor – Tim Delap
Agamemnon – Carlos Bellato

Featured actors, researchers, and guests

Carlos Bellato is a Mexican actor and pianist, born and raised in Baja California Sur. He studied acting at La Casa Del Teatro in Mexico City, and won the Anglo Arts Scholarship for the Midsummer in Oxford program (2019).

Tajh Bellow currently resides in Los Angeles, California. As of 2018, he has been a recurring regular on ABC’s General Hospital and has made multiple guest appearances on shows such as Bosch (Amazon), and The Middle (ABC). Calling for Love is a Romantic Comedy which premiered in Canada in June 2020 and will soon announce domestic premier dates. He attended the Midsummer in Oxford program in 2018 which changed his life forever!

Tamieka Chavis is a resident company member with Chesapeake Shakespeare Company playing leading roles in Macbeth and The Tempest. She has been nominated for and awarded numerous awards, including the Daytime Emmy Awards, Indie Series Awards, Broadway World Awards.

Joel Christensen is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Classical Studies at Brandeis University. His The Many-Minded Man: the Odyssey, Psychology, and the Therapy of Epic, published by Cornell University Press, will appear in 2020.

Tim Delap has performed several times in leading roles at the National Theatre and in the West End. He recently played Rochester in the National Theatre’s critically-acclaimed Jane Eyre.

Toph Marshall is Professor of Greek at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. His work on tragedy includes books on Euripides’ Helen and Aeschylus’ Libation Bearers. He has also published on Greek and Roman comedy, American comics, Battlestar Galactica, and The Wire.

Evelyn Miller just finished playing Bianca in The Taming of the Shrew at Shakespeare’s Globe. Other recent credits include leading roles at the National Theatre and RSC. Evvy is an associate director of Actors From The London Stage.

Paul O’Mahony ( is artistic director of Out of Chaos with whom he created the award winning Unmythable. He recently toured the US in their production of Macbeth and is currently working on two productions inspired by ancient culture. He has twice been a visiting artist at the CHS.

Emma Pauly ( is a Chicago-based dramaturg, classicist, translator and performer specializing in Greek tragedy. Her work centers on performance and reception of tragedy, particularly in the context of queer themes and representation. Their translation of Eurpides’ Bacchae has most recently been published in the translation journal The Mercurian.

Eunice Roberts is Dean of the British American Drama Academy. She has toured extensively in the UK and US, and is also an associate director of Actors From The London Stage. She was in Season 2 of Killing Eve.

Euripides Ion

Further details

Details of text, scene selections, cast, featured actors and researchers:

A reading and discussion of Euripides’ Ion (translated by George Theodoridis). Nathalie Armin, Tim Delap, Danai Epithymiadi, Patrick Walshe McBride, Evelyn Miller, and Paul O’Mahony perform select scenes, with Lucia Athanassaki (University of Crete), Joel Christensen (Brandeis), and Michael Scott (University of Warwick) leading the discussion. Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre.For more information about outreach opportunities through the Reading Greek Tragedy Online project, contact available at

Scene selections and cast

236-391 – Ion and Kreusa
429-451 – Ion
517-607 – Xuthus and Ion
1122-1228 – Servant of Kreusa
1280-1444 – Kreusa, Priestess, Ion

Ion – Patrick Walshe McBride
Kreusa – Nathalie Armin
Xuthus – Tim Delap
Servant of Kreusa – Danai Epithymiadi
Priestess of Apollo – Evelyn Miller
Chorus – Paul O’Mahony

Featured actors, researchers, and guests

Lucia Athanassaki is Professor of Classical Philology at the University of Crete. She holds a BA from the University of Athens and a PhD from Brown University. She has published extensively on melic poetry, its artistic context and its ideological and political agenda. The focus of her research in recent years is on attitudes to art, lifestyle and leadership in the late 5th century as reflected in Attica drama and prose.

Joel Christensen is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Classical Studies at Brandeis University. His The Many-Minded Man: the Odyssey, Psychology, and the Therapy of Epic, published by Cornell University Press, will appear in 2020.

Tim Delap has performed several times in leading roles at the National Theatre and in the West End. He recently played Rochester in the National Theatre’s critically-acclaimed Jane Eyre.

Danai Epithymiadi studied theater in London and New York and has been working as an actress in Greece since 2012. As part of the chorus in Electra by Euripides, she has toured extensively around Greece. Last July was the first time she played in Epidaurus theater (again as part of the chorus) in Iphigenia in Aulis.

Patrick Walshe McBride studied Oriental Studies with Modern and Medieval Languages at the University of Cambridge before training as an actor at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. He has since worked internationally in theatre, television and film. Credits include Peer Gynt (Barbican), Photograph 51 (Noel Coward), Trouble in Mind (Theatre Royal Bath), Harold and Maude (Charing Cross), Hamlet (Kronborg Castle, Elsinore), The Winter’s Tale (Crucible), Dracula (BBC/Netflix), Shakespeare and Hathaway (BBC), Giri/Haji (Netflix/BBC), Pixies (Youtube Red), Backdraft II (Universal) and Lake of the Dead (Pryserfilm).

Evelyn Miller just finished playing Bianca in The Taming of the Shrew at Shakespeare’s Globe. Other recent credits include leading roles at the National Theatre and RSC. Evvy is an associate director of Actors From The London Stage.

Paul O’Mahony ( is artistic director of Out of Chaos with whom he created the award winning Unmythable. He recently toured the US in their production of Macbeth and is currently working on two productions inspired by ancient culture. He has twice been a visiting artist at the CHS.

Emma Pauly ( is a Chicago-based dramaturg, classicist, translator and performer specializing in Greek tragedy. Her work centers on performance and reception of tragedy, particularly in the context of queer themes and representation. Their translation of Eurpides’ Bacchae has most recently been published in the translation journal The Mercurian.

Michael Scott is a Professor of Classics at the University of Warwick, UK. He has written extensively on Greek history, society, culture and religion, on the early development of the Silk Roads, and on the reception of the ancient world in the modern. He has been recognised for his teaching with a National Teaching Fellowship and Principal Fellowship of the Higher Education Authority. He is an honorary citizen of Delphi, President of the largest regional branch of the UK Classical Association, and Trustee and Director of the UK charity Classics for All. He has written and presented numerous TV documentaries about the ancient world for BBC and ITV in the UK; Nova, PBS and National Geographic in the US, and SBS in Australia.

Sophocles Oedipus Tyrannus

Further details

Details of text, scene selections, cast, featured actors and researchers:

A reading and discussion of Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus (translated by R. Jebb, revised by A. Sens, and further revised by G. Nagy). Carlos Bellato, Tamieka Chavis, Tony Jayawardena, Paul O’Mahony, and Argyris Xafis perform select scenes, with Joel Christensen (Brandeis) and Efimia Karakantza (University of Patras) leading the discussion. Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre. For more information about outreach opportunities through the Reading Greek Tragedy Online project, contact available at

Scene selections and cast

14-57 – Priest
216-275 – Oedipus
345-403 – Oedipus, Teiresias
709-833 – Jocasta, Oedipus
994-1085 – Oedipus, Messenger, Chorus, Jocasta [CHANGE ARGY]
1110-1185 – Oedipus, Chorus, Messenger, Servant
1369-end – Oedipus, Chorus, Creon

Priest – Tamieka Chavis
Oedipus – Tony Jayawardena
Teiresias – Carlos Bellato
Jocasta – Tamieka Chavis
Messenger – Paul O’Mahony
Servant of Laius – Argyris Xafis
Creon – Paul O’Mahony
Chorus – Tamieka Chavis and Argyris Xafis

Featured actors, researchers, and guests

Carlos Bellato is a Mexican actor and pianist, born and raised in Baja California Sur. He studied acting at La Casa Del Teatro in Mexico City, and won the Anglo Arts Scholarship for the Midsummer in Oxford program (2019).

Tamieka Chavis ( is a resident company member with Chesapeake Shakespeare Company playing leading roles in Macbeth and The Tempest. She has been nominated for and awarded numerous awards, including the Daytime Emmy Awards, Indie Series Awards, Broadway World Awards.

Joel Christensen is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Classical Studies at Brandeis University. His The Many-Minded Man: the Odyssey, Psychology, and the Therapy of Epic, published by Cornell University Press, will appear in 2020.

Tony Jayawardena ( has numerous credits in leading roles at the RSC and Shakespeare’s Globe. Recently seen in Series 4 of The Crown.

Efimia D. Karakantza is Associate Professor of Ancient Greek Literature, University of Patras, Greece. Her recent focus is on feminist and political readings of ancient Greek literature, mainly the Homeric poems and Greek tragedy (Sophocles in particular). Her book on Oedipus, Who Am I? (Mis)Identity and the Polis in Oedipus Tyrannus, (HSS 86, HUP 2020), explores issues of identity and citizenship in the ancient polis, and her book on Antigone (co-authored with Anastasia Bakogianni) is due soon by Routledge in the series: Gods and Heroes of the Ancient World. She has recently introduced the course “Feminist Criticism and Classics” at her department, one of the few (if not the first) in Greek universities to explore how feminist thought has changed the way we read the classical texts.

Paul O’Mahony ( is artistic director of Out of Chaos with whom he created the award winning Unmythable. He recently toured the US in their production of Macbeth and is currently working on two productions inspired by ancient culture. He has twice been a visiting artist at the CHS.

Emma Pauly ( is a Chicago-based dramaturg, classicist, translator and performer specializing in Greek tragedy. Her work centers on performance and reception of tragedy, particularly in the context of queer themes and representation. Their translation of Eurpides’ Bacchae has most recently been published in the translation journal The Mercurian.

Argyris Xafis graduated from the National School of Dramatic Arts in Greece, and has performed ancient tragedies numerous times in Epidaurus. He has won several awards for his cinema and stage work and he’s also an acting professor at Athens Conservatory Drama School.

Sophocles Ajax

Further details

Details of text, scene selections, cast, featured actors and researchers:

A reading and discussion of Sophocles’ Ajax (translated by Ian Johnston). Tim Delap, Anne Mason, Patrick Walshe McBride, Evelyn Miller, Brian Nelson, Paul O’Mahony, and Argyris Xafis perform select scenes, with Joel Christensen (Brandeis) and Bruce King (Gallatin School of Individualized Study-NYU) leading the discussion. Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre.For more information about outreach opportunities through the Reading Greek Tragedy Online project, contact available at

Scene selections and cast

1–71: Odysseus and Athena
464–698: Ajax, Tecmessa, Chorus
764–820: Ajax
973–1034: Ajax
1470–1740: Teucer, Agamemnon, Odysseus, Chorus

Athena – Anne Mason
Odysseus – Paul O’Mahony
Ajax – Tim Delap
Tecmessa – Evelyn Miller
Agamemnon – Argyris Xafis
Teucer – Brian Nelson
Chorus – Patrick Walshe McBride

Featured actors, researchers, and guests

Joel Christensen is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Classical Studies at Brandeis University. His The Many-Minded Man: the Odyssey, Psychology, and the Therapy of Epic, published by Cornell University Press, will appear in 2020.

Tim Delap ( has performed several times in leading roles at the National Theatre and in the West End. He recently played Rochester in the National Theatre’s critically-acclaimed Jane Eyre.

Bruce M. King teaches ancients and moderns at the Pierrepont School, at the Gallatin School of individualized Study (NYU), and the Brooklyn Institute for Social Research. His book on the Iliad, Achilles Unheroic, is forthcoming.

Anne Mason is an actor, director, and producer in Laramie, WY, as well as the Founder/Producing Artistic Director of Relative Theatrics. A self-proclaimed Greek Mythology Junkie, she is thrilled to expand her knowledge of the Classics by participating in this project.

Patrick Walshe McBride studied Oriental Studies with Modern and Medieval Languages at the University of Cambridge before training as an actor at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. He has since worked internationally in theatre, television and film. Credits include Peer Gynt (Barbican), Photograph 51 (Noel Coward), Trouble in Mind (Theatre Royal Bath), Harold and Maude (Charing Cross), Hamlet (Kronborg Castle, Elsinore), The Winter’s Tale (Crucible), Dracula (BBC/Netflix), Shakespeare and Hathaway (BBC), Giri/Haji (Netflix/BBC), Pixies (Youtube Red), Backdraft II (Universal) and Lake of the Dead (Pryserfilm).

Evelyn Miller ( just finished playing Bianca in The Taming of the Shrew at Shakespeare’s Globe. Other recent credits include leading roles at the National Theatre and RSC. Evvy is an associate director of Actors From The London Stage.

Brian Arkamian Nelson Jr. is known for NBC’s Chicago MED, Chicago P.D. and FOX’s A.P.B. Originally from Chicago, he has worked regionally at theaters such as Alabama Shakespeare Festival, Paramount Theatre and Court Theatre. In 2018, Brian spent the summer studying acting at Oxford University with the British American Drama Academy. Brian is currently living and working in LA as an actor.

Paul O’Mahony ( is artistic director of Out of Chaos with whom he created the award winning Unmythable. He recently toured the US in their production of Macbeth and is currently working on two productions inspired by ancient culture. He has twice been a visiting artist at the CHS.

Emma Pauly ( is a Chicago-based dramaturg, classicist, translator and performer specializing in Greek tragedy. Her work centers on performance and reception of tragedy, particularly in the context of queer themes and representation. Their translation of Eurpides’ Bacchae has most recently been published in the translation journal The Mercurian.

Argyris Xafis graduated from the National School of Dramatic Arts in Greece, and has performed ancient tragedies numerous times in Epidaurus. He has won several awards for his cinema and stage work and he’s also an acting professor at Athens Conservatory Drama School.

Euripides Trojan Women

Further details

Details of text, scene selections, cast, featured actors and researchers.

A reading and discussion of Euripides’ Trojan Women (translated by E.P. Coleridge, revised by members of Kosmos Society). Danai Epithymiadi, Tabatha Gayle, Robert Matney, Evelyn Miller, and Eunice Roberts perform select scenes, with Joel Christensen (Brandeis) and Robin Mitchell-Boyask (Temple) leading the discussion. Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre.Text available at

Scene selections and cast

98–155 Hecuba’s first speech
235–460 Hecuba, Talthybius, Cassandra, Chorus
686–797 Hecuba, Andromache, Talthybius, Chorus
1118–1335 Hecuba, Talthybius, Chorus

Hecuba – Eunice Roberts
Talthybios – Robert Matney
Cassandra – Evelyn Miller
Andromache – Tabatha Gayle
Chorus – Danai Epithymiadi

Featured actors, researchers, and guests

Joel Christensen is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Classical Studies at Brandeis University. His The Many-Minded Man: the Odyssey, Psychology, and the Therapy of Epic, published by Cornell University Press, will appear in 2020.

Danai Epithymiadi studied theater in London and New York and has been working as an actress in Greece since 2012. As part of the chorus in Electra by Euripides, she has toured extensively around Greece. Last July was the first time she played in Epidaurus theater (again as part of the chorus) in Iphigenia in Aulis.

Tabatha Gayle ( is a New York based multi-disciplinary creator and performer who has developed work at various theaters, such as Musical Theater Factory, Ars Nova, and Poetic Theater Productions. As a performer she has appeared off-broadway at venues such as Here Arts Center, New York Musical Festival, Ars Nova, and The Flea.

Robert Matney is an Austin, Texas-based stage and voice actor focused on classical plays and the intersection of live performance and network technology. He is also a Managing Director for Yonder, a software company that analyzes online affinity groups, coordinated propaganda, and the influence mechanics of the internet.

Evelyn Miller ( just finished playing Bianca in The Taming of the Shrew at Shakespeare’s Globe. Other recent credits include leading roles at the National Theatre and RSC. Evvy is an associate director of Actors From The London Stage.

Robin Mitchell-Boyask is professor of Greek and Roman Classics at Temple University in Philadelphia, and editor of the journal Classical World. Among his publications on Greek literature, he literally wrote the book on the plague and Athenian tragedy: Plague and the Athenian Imagination.

Paul O’Mahony ( is artistic director of Out of Chaos with whom he created the award winning Unmythable. He recently toured the US in their production of Macbeth and is currently working on two productions inspired by ancient culture. He has twice been a visiting artist at the CHS.

Emma Pauly ( is a Chicago-based dramaturg, classicist, translator and performer specializing in Greek tragedy. Her work centers on performance and reception of tragedy, particularly in the context of queer themes and representation. Their translation of Eurpides’ Bacchae has most recently been published in the translation journal The Mercurian.

Eunice Roberts is Dean of the British American Drama Academy. She has toured extensively in the UK and US, and is also an associate director of Actors From The London Stage. She was in Season 2 of Killing Eve.

Aeschylus Persians

Further details

Details of text, scene selections, cast, featured actors and researchers.

A reading and discussion of Aeschylus’ The Persians (translated by Ian Johnston). Tim Delap, Tabatha Gayle, Tony Jayawardena, Martin K Lewis, and Evelyn Miller perform select scenes, with Joel Christensen (Brandeis) and Erika L. Weiberg (Duke) leading the discussion. Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre.Text available at

Scene selections and cast

625-689, Chorus and Chorus Leader
690-1027, Atossa, Chorus, Chorus Leader, Darius
1028-1076, Chorus
1077-1254, Chorus, Chorus Leader, Xerxes

Chorus – Tim Delap and Evelyn Miller
Atossa – Tabatha Gayle
Darius – Tony Jayawardena
Xerxes – Martin K Lewis

Featured actors, researchers, and guests

Joel Christensen is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Classical Studies at Brandeis University. His The Many-Minded Man: the Odyssey, Psychology, and the Therapy of Epic, published by Cornell University Press, will appear in 2020.

Tim Delap ( has performed several times in leading roles at the National Theatre and in the West End. He recently played Rochester in the National Theatre’s critically-acclaimed Jane Eyre.

Tabatha Gayle ( is a New York based multi-disciplinary creator and performer who has developed work at various theaters, such as Musical Theater Factory, Ars Nova, and Poetic Theater Productions. As a performer she has appeared off-broadway at venues such as Here Arts Center, New York Musical Festival, Ars Nova, and The Flea.

Tony Jayawardena ( has numerous credits in leading roles at the RSC and Shakespeare’s Globe. Recently seen in Series 4 of The Crown.

Martin Lewis ( is an actor from and based in NYC. Recent credits include: REGIONAL – Alabama Shakespeare Festival, Miami New Drama, Elm Shakespeare Company. OFF-BROADWAY – New Light Theater Project: & The New York Theater Workshop.

Evvy Miller ( just finished playing Bianca in The Taming of the Shrew at Shakespeare’s Globe. Other recent credits include leading roles at the National Theatre and RSC. Evvy is an associate director of Actors From The London Stage.

Paul O’Mahony ( is artistic director of Out of Chaos with whom he created the award winning Unmythable. He recently toured the US in their production of Macbeth and is currently working on two productions inspired by ancient culture. He has twice been a visiting artist at the CHS.

Emma Pauly ( is a dramaturg, classicist, translator and performer with a focus in Greco-Roman text, particularly tragedy.

Erika L. Weiberg will begin a new position as an assistant professor of Classical Studies at Duke University in July. She has published on Greek tragedy and is currently completing a book on the wives of returning veterans in Greek drama. Her research interests center on feminist approaches to antiquity.

Euripides Orestes

Further details

Details of text, scene selections, cast, featured actors and researchers.

A reading and discussion of Euripides’ Orestes (translated by Ian Johnston). Tim Delap, Tabatha Gayle, Martin K Lewis, Paul O’Mahony, Robert Matney, Evelyn Miller, and Richard Neale perform select scenes, with Joel Christensen (Brandeis) and Claire Catenaccio (Georgetown) leading the discussion. Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre.Text available at

Scene selections and cast

1-71 – Electra’s speech
153-315 – Chorus, Electra, Orestes
730-806 – Orestes, Pylades
1055-1203 – Electra, Orestes, Pylades, Chorus
1554-1691 – Menelaus, Orestes, Chorus, Apollo

Orestes – Richard Neale
Electra – Tabatha Gayle
Chorus – Tim Delap and Evelyn Miller
Pylades – Martin K Lewis
Menelaus – Robert Matney
Apollo – Paul O’Mahony

Featured actors, researchers, and guests

Joel Christensen is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Classical Studies at Brandeis University. His The Many-Minded Man: the Odyssey, Psychology, and the Therapy of Epic, published by Cornell University Press, will appear in 2020.

Tim Delap ( has performed several times in leading roles at the National Theatre and in the West End. He recently played Rochester in the National Theatre’s critically-acclaimed Jane Eyre.

Tabatha Gayle ( is a New York based multi-disciplinary creator and performer who has developed work at various theaters, such as Musical Theater Factory, Ars Nova, and Poetic Theater Productions. As a performer she has appeared off-broadway at venues such as Here Arts Center, New York Musical Festival, Ars Nova, and The Flea.

Martin Lewis ( is an actor from and based in NYC. Recent credits include: REGIONAL – Alabama Shakespeare Festival, Miami New Drama, Elm Shakespeare Company. OFF-BROADWAY – New Light Theater Project: & The New York Theater Workshop.

Robert Matney is an Austin, Texas-based stage and voice actor focused on classical plays and the intersection of live performance and network technology. He is also a Managing Director for Yonder, a software company that analyzes online affinity groups, coordinated propaganda, and the influence mechanics of the internet.

Evvy Miller ( just finished playing Bianca in The Taming of the Shrew at Shakespeare’s Globe. Other recent credits include leading roles at the National Theatre and RSC. Evvy is an associate director of Actors From The London Stage.

Richard Neale ( is associate director of Actor From The London Stage with whom he has toured the US playing leading roles in The Tempest, King Lear and Othello. A director and teacher, Richard has almost 20 years’ experience of performing in the UK.

Paul O’Mahony ( is artistic director of Out of Chaos with whom he created the award winning Unmythable. He recently toured the US in their production of Macbeth and is currently working on two productions inspired by ancient culture. He has twice been a visiting artist at the CHS.

Emma Pauly ( is a dramaturg, classicist, translator and performer with a focus in Greco-Roman text, particularly tragedy.

Sophocles Women of Trachis

Further details

Details of text, scene selections, cast, featured actors and researchers.

A reading and discussion of Sophocles’ Women of Trachis (translated by Richard Jebb). Tim Delap, Mariah Gale, Tony Jayawardena, Martin K. Lewis, Anne Mason, and Evvy Miller perform select scenes, with Joel Christensen (Brandeis), Emma Pauly, and Amy Pistone (Gonzaga) leading the discussion. Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre.Text available at

Scene selections and cast

1-43 – Deianeira
229-446 – Deianeira, Lichas, Iole, Messenger, Chorus
531-588 – Deianeira
1046-1269 – Heracles, Hyllus, Chorus

Deianeira – Mariah Gale
Lichas – Tim Delap
Messenger – Evvy Miller
Chorus – Anne Mason
Heracles – Tony Jayawardena
Hyllus – Martin K Lewis

Featured actors, researchers, and guests

Joel Christensen is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Classical Studies at Brandeis University. His The Many-Minded Man: the Odyssey, Psychology, and the Therapy of Epic, published by Cornell University Press, will appear in 2020.

Tim Delap ( has performed several times in leading roles at the National Theatre and in the West End. He recently played Rochester in the National Theatre’s critically-acclaimed Jane Eyre.

Mariah Gale ( won the Ian Charleson Award in 2006 and has gone on to play numerous leading roles at the RSC and The Globe. TV credits include Broadchurch, Doctor Who and The Hollow Crown.

Tony Jayawardena ( has numerous credits in leading roles at the RSC and Shakespeare’s Globe. Recently seen in Series 4 of The Crown.

Martin Lewis ( is an actor from and based NYC. Recent credits include: REGIONAL – Alabama Shakespeare Festival, Miami New Drama, Elm Shakespeare Company. OFF-BROADWAY – New Light Theater Project: & The New York Theater Workshop.

Anne Mason is an actor, director, and producer in Laramie, WY, as well as the Founder/Producing Artistic Director of Relative Theatrics. A self-proclaimed Greek Mythology Junkie, she is thrilled to expand her knowledge of the Classics by participating in this project.

Evvy Miller ( just finished playing Bianca in The Taming of the Shrew at Shakespeare’s Globe. Other recent credits include leading roles at the National Theatre and RSC. Evvy is an associate director of Actors From The London Stage.

Emma Pauly ( is a dramaturg, classicist, translator and performer with a focus in Greco-Roman text, particularly tragedy.

Amy Pistone is concluding her first year as an Assistant Professor at Gonzaga University. Her research focuses on Greek tragedy, specifically the plays of Sophocles, and she is very interested in public scholarship and contemporary receptions of Greek tragedy in modern society.

Euripides Iphigenia in Aulis

Further details

Details of text, scene selections, cast, featured actors and researchers.

A reading and discussion of Euripides’ Iphigenia in Aulis (translated by Edward Coleridge). Tamieka Chavis, Tim Delap, Michael Lumsden, Evvy Miller, Richard Neale, Paul O’Mahony, and Eunice Roberts perform select scenes, with Adam Barnard, Mat Carbon (Liège), and Joel Christensen (Brandeis) leading the discussion. Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre.Text available at

Scene selections and cast

317-334 – Agamemnon and Menelaus
413-542 – Agamemnon, Menelaus, messenger, chorus
598-750 – chorus, Clytemnestra, Iphigenia, Agamemnon
801-855 – Clytemnestra, Achilles
1211-1275 – Clytemnestra, Agamemnon, Iphigenia, chorus
1338-1510 – Iphigenia, Clytemnestra, Chorus, Achilles
1613-1627 – Chorus, Clytemnestra, Agamemnon

Iphigenia – Evvy Miller
Clytemnestra – Eunice Roberts
Agamemnon – Michael Lumsden
Menelaus – Paul O’Mahony
Achilles – Tim Delap
Chorus – Tamieka Chavis
Messenger – Richard Neale

Featured actors and researchers

Adam Barnard ( is a writer and director based in London / Brighton, UK. He works in theatre, film and journalism.

Mat Carbon is a Scientific Collaborator of the Département des Sciences de l’Antiquité, Université de Liège, and one of the principal investigators of the Collection of Greek Ritual Norms project ( His research and publications focus on the numerous interchanges between epigraphy and religion, in particular the inscriptions called ‘ritual norms’, documents which notably define rituals of sacrifice and purification in ancient Greek communities. Recent publications include Purity and Purification in the Ancient Greek World (Liège 2018), which he co-edited with S. Peels-Matthey.

Tamieka Chavis ( is a resident company member with Chesapeake Shakespeare Company playing leading roles in Macbeth and The Tempest. She has been nominated for and awarded numerous awards, including the Daytime Emmy Awards, Indie Series Awards, Broadway World Awards.

Joel Christensen is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Classical Studies at Brandeis University. His The Many-Minded Man: the Odyssey, Psychology, and the Therapy of Epic, published by Cornell University Press, will appear in 2020.

Tim Delap ( has performed several times in leading roles at the National Theatre and in the West End. He recently played Rochester in the National Theatre’s critically-acclaimed Jane Eyre.

Michael Lumsden ( is a regular on the BBC’s The Archers, and has worked in UK theatre for over 30 years with a string of credits at The Orange Tree Theatre in London.

Evvy Miller ( just finished playing Bianca in The Taming of the Shrew at Shakespeare’s Globe. Other recent credits include leading roles at the National Theatre and RSC. Evvy is an associate director of Actors From The London Stage.

Richard Neale ( is associate director of Actor From The London Stage with whom he has toured the US playing leading roles in The Tempest, King Lear and Othello. A director and teacher, Richard has almost 20 years’ experience of performing in the UK.

Paul O’Mahony ( is artistic director of Out of Chaos with whom he created the award winning Unmythable. He recently toured the US in their production of Macbeth and is currently working on two productions inspired by ancient culture. He has twice been a visiting artist at the CHS.

Eunice Roberts ( is Dean of the British American Drama Academy. She has toured extensively in the UK and US, and is also an associate director of Actors From The London Stage. She was in Season 2 of Killing Eve.

Euripides Bacchae

Further details

Details of text, scene selections, cast, featured actors and researchers.

A reading and discussion of Euripides’ Bacchae (translated by Theodore Alois Buckley). Nichole Bird, Vincent Brimble, Sarah Finigan, Tony Jayawardena, Richard Neale, Paul O’Mahony, and Janet Spencer-Turner perform select scenes, with Joel Christensen (Brandeis) and Timothy Moore (WUSTL) leading the discussion. Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre.Text available at
translated by Theodore Alois Buckley, revised by Alex Sens, further revised by Gregory Nagy

Scene selections and cast


Dionysus – Tony Jayawardena
Pentheus – Richard Neale
Tiresias – Paul O’Mahony
Kadmos – Vincent Brimble
Agaue – Janet Spencer-Turner
Chorus – Nichole Bird
Chorus – Sarah Finigan

Featured actors and researchers

Joel Christensen is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Classical Studies at Brandeis University. His new book, The Many-Minded Man: the Odyssey, Psychology, and the Therapy of Epic, published by Cornell University Press, will appear in 2020.

Nichole Bird ( was a member of the award-winning 2019 production of Unmythable by Out of Chaos, and has extensive credits at Shakespeare’s Globe and throughout the UK.

Vincent Brimble ( is part of the Olivier Award winning Jacobean Season at the RSC and regular performer at The Orange Tree Theatre.

Sarah Finigan ( has numerous credits at Shakespeare’s Globe. She has toured internationally and throughout the UK.

Tony Jayawardena ( has numerous credits at the RSC and Shakespeare’s Globe. Recently seen in Series 4 of The Crown.

Timothy Moore is the John and Penelope Biggs Distinguished Professor of Classics at Washington University in St. Louis. Moore’s current projects include articles on the history and performance of Greek and Roman theater and on Latin meter, and a long-range project on musical theater in ancient Greece and Rome. He also has interests in the history of theater, especially American musical theater and Japanese Kyogen comedy.

Richard Neale ( is associate director of Actor From The London Stage with whom he has toured the US playing leading roles in The Tempest, King Lear and Othello. A director and teacher, Richard has almost 20 years’ experience of performing in the UK.

Paul O’Mahony ( is artistic director of Out of Chaos with whom he created the award winning Unmythable. He recently toured the US in their production of Macbeth and is currently working on two productions inspired by ancient culture. He has twice been a visiting artist at the CHS.

Janet Spencer-Turner ( has numerous credits at the National Theatre, and has toured extensively in the UK and internationally.

Further reading:

Euripides Herakles

Further details

Details of text, scene selections, cast, featured actors and researchers.

A reading and discussion of Euripides’ Herakles (translated by R. Potter, adapted by M. Ebbott & C. Dué). Tim Delap, Evelyn Miller, Richard Neale, and Paul O’Mahony perform select scenes, with Joel Christensen (Brandeis) and Anne-Sophie Noel (Lyon) leading the discussion. Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre.Text available at

Scene selections and cast

80–169 – Megara, Amphitryon, Chorus, Lykos
252–347 – Megara, Amphitryon, Chorus, Lykos
514–636 – Herakles, Megara, Amphitryon, Chorus
822–873 – Iris, Lyssa
1089–1254 – Herakles, Amphitryon, Chorus, Theseus
1394–1428 – Theseus, Herakles, Amphitryon, Chorus

Evvy Miller – Megara, Iris, Theseus
Tim Delap – Lykos, Heracles
Richard Neale – Amphitryon, Lyssa
Paul O’Mahony – Chorus

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Featured actors and researchers

Joel Christensen is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Classical Studies at Brandeis University. His new book, The Many-Minded Man: the Odyssey, Psychology, and the Therapy of Epic, published by Cornell University Press, will appear in 2020.

Tim Delap ( has performed several times in leading roles at the National Theatre and in the West End. He recently played Rochester in the critically-acclaimed Jane Eyre.

Evvy Miller ( just finished playing Bianca in The Taming of the Shrew at Shakespeare’s Globe. Other recent credits include leading roles at the National Theatre and RSC. Evvy is an associate director of Actors From The London Stage.

Richard Neale ( is associate director of Actor From The London Stage with whom he has toured the US playing leading roles in The Tempest, King Lear and Othello. A director and teacher, Richard has almost 20 years’ experience of performing in the UK.

Anne-Sophie Noel is Associate Professor in Greek at École Normale Supérieure de Lyon. Her paper on “Playing make-believe with objects: counterfactual imagination and psychodrama in Greek tragedy” will appear in the forthcoming volume How to Do the Psychology of the Ancient World, edited by V. Glaveanu, L. Huitink, and I. Sluiter and published by Brill in the series, Euhormos: Greco-Roman Studies in Anchoring Innovation.

Paul O’Mahony ( is artistic director of Out of Chaos with whom he created the award winning Unmythable. He recently toured the US in their production of Macbeth and is currently working on two productions inspired by ancient culture. He has twice been a visiting artist at the CHS.

Sophocles Philoctetes

Further details

Details of text, scene selections, cast, featured actors and researchers.

A reading and discussion of Sophocles’ Philoctetes (trans. Richard Claverhouse Jebb). Tim Delap, Evelyn Miller, Paul O’Mahony, and Jack Whitam perform select scenes, with Joel Christensen (Brandeis) and Norman Sandridge (Howard) moderating the discussion. Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre.Text available at:

Scene selections and cast

1–130 – Neoptolemos and Odysseus
219–390 – Neoptolemos and Philoctetes
468–507 – Philoctetes
730–825 – Neoptolemos and Philoctetes
1222–1470 – Neoptolemos, Philoctetes, Odysseus, Chorus, Herakles

Evvy Miller – Neoptolemos
Jack Whitam – Odysseus
Tim Delap – Philoctetes
Paul O’Mahony – Herakles

Featured actors and researchers

Joel Christensen is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Classical Studies at Brandeis University. His The Many-Minded Man: the Odyssey, Psychology, and the Therapy of Epic, published by Cornell University Press, will appear in 2020.

Tim Delap ( – Tim has performed several times in leading roles at the National Theatre and in the West End. He recently played Rochester in the critically-acclaimed Jane Eyre.

Evelyn Miller ( – just finished playing Bianca in The Taming of the Shrew at Shakespeare’s Globe. Other recent credits include leading roles at the National Theatre and RSC. Evvy is an associate director of Actors From The London Stage.

Paul O’Mahony ( – artistic director of Out of Chaos with whom he created the award winning Unmythable. He recently toured the US in their production of Macbeth and is currently working on two productions inspired by ancient culture. He has twice been a visiting artist at the CHS.

Norman Sandridge is Associate Professor of Classics at Howard University and a co-founder of Kallion Leadership. His “Sophocles’ Philoctetes: Causes of and Remedies for Dehumanization in a Leadership Role” has appeared in the SAGE series of business case studies on “Becoming a Leader in the Ancient World.”

Jack Whitam ( has numerous credits with the RSC and has recently played Macbeth for the Guildford Shakespeare Company.

Euripides Helen

Further details

Details of text, scene selections, cast, featured actors and researchers.

A reading and discussion of scene selections from Euripides’ Helen (translated by E. P. Coleridge, revised by Hélène Emeriaud, Claudia Filos, Janet M. Ozsolak, Sarah Scott, and Jack Vaughan). Evelyn Miller, Richard Neale, Paul O’Mahony, and Eunice Roberts perform select scene with Joel Christensen (Brandeis) moderating the discussion. Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies, the Kosmos Society, and Out of Chaos Theatre.

Scenes include:

Helen’s opening speech
Helen and Teucer (68–164)
Menelaos speech (386–438)
Menelaos and Old Woman (437–484)
Menelaos and Helen meet (528–661)
Menelaos and Helen plotting (1031–1093)

Featured actors and researchers

Joel Christensen is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Classical Studies at Brandeis University. His The Many-Minded Man: the Odyssey, Psychology, and the Therapy of Epic, published by Cornell University Press, will appear in 2020.

Evelyn Miller ( just finished playing Bianca in The Taming of the Shrew at Shakespeare’s Globe. Other recent credits include leading roles at the National Theatre and RSC. Evvy is an associate director of Actors From The London Stage.

Richard Neale ( is associate director of Actor From The London Stage with whom he has toured the US playing leading roles in The Tempest, King Lear and Othello. A director and teacher, Richard has almost 20 years’ experience of performing in the UK.

Paul O’Mahony ( is artistic director of Out of Chaos with whom he created the award winning Unmythable. He recently toured the US in their production of Macbeth and is currently working on two productions inspired by ancient culture. He has twice been a visiting artist at the CHS.

Eunice Roberts is Dean of the British American Drama Academy (BADA). For most of her professional life she has combined acting with teaching. She has toured with Actors From The London Stage and has returned to work at various campuses, including being the Visiting Director of Theatre at Vassar College.