vase painting

Gallery | Trojan Women

The themes depicted in the myth of the fall of Troy inspired ancient Greek tragedies, such as the Trojan Women of Euripides, and other works by writers and dramatists of ancient Rome and of later periods. The subject has also inspired many artists from ancient times to the current day. The universal and powerful themes of the suffering of the most vulnerable—women, children, and the elderly—still have relevance and resonance.… Read more

The Essential Ship | Part 1: The Dipylon Vase

Following the heroic age of the Myceneans is the silence of the Greek Dark Ages. In the proto-Geometric period (c1150–c950 BCE), the pre-Greek tribes make war, then consolidate and start forming city states. The Doric tribes mix with the Attics of Athens, and art focuses on motifs that express “order”: concentration and intensity. There is no expression that refers to myth or religion. The Minoan and Mycenaean palaces and civilization… Read more