The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours

Experience Harvard’s “Ancient Greek Hero” MOOC

Join Harvard Professor Gregory Nagy on a 24-“Hour” journey that lasts a lifetime! Registration is open for the latest session of “The Ancient Greek Hero,” a groundbreaking open, online project from HarvardX that uses Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) technology to introduce participants to the literature and heroes of ancient Greece. The project is directed by Gregory Nagy, Francis Jones Professor of Classical Greek Literature and Professor of Comparative Literature… Read more

The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours | Gallery: Part 2

The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours[1] is based on a course that Professor Gregory Nagy has been teaching at Harvard University since the late 1970s. The book discusses selected readings of texts, all translated from the original Greek into English. The texts include the Homeric Iliad and Odyssey; selected Homeric Hymns; the Hesiodic Theogony and Works and Days; selected songs of Sappho and Pindar; selections from the Histories of Herodotus;… Read more

The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours | Gallery: Part 1

The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours[1] is based on a course that Professor Gregory Nagy has been teaching at Harvard University since the late 1970s. The book discusses selected readings of texts, all translated from the original Greek into English. The texts include the Homeric Iliad and Odyssey; selected Homeric Hymns; the Hesiodic Theogony and Works and Days; selected songs of Sappho and Pindar; selections from the Histories of Herodotus;… Read more

Armenian Song Culture—Vahagn

  The Heritage of Armenian Literature [1] opens up with a chapter about oral tradition. The information about the Armenian oral tradition comes from the History of the Armenians by Moses of Khoren. He mentions different forms of story telling about the ancient Armenian heroes. Zruyts “old and unwritten stories, to which Moses of Khoren attaches a high degree of credibility. Less credible ones, what he terms araspels or legends… Read more

Key Words Hour by Hour @ Hour 25

~ Finding Passages With Our Key Words ~ Those who are following the Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours project at edX are thinking about the key words for each Hour in the context of that Hour’s texts (the focus passages and the fast readings), while here at Hour 25 we can read alongside the v3 participants, and we can consider other texts and passages as well. So we can… Read more