
Book Club | January 2023: Seneca Thyestes

Atreus … I must dare some crime, atrocious, bloody, such as my brother would more wish were his. Crimes thou dost not avenge, save as thou dost surpass them. And what crime can be so dire as to overtop his sin? Does he lie downcast? Does he in prosperity endure control, rest in defeat? I know the untamable spirit of the man; bent it cannot be – but it can… Read more

Book Club | April 2021: Fables of Phaedrus

What from the founder Esop fell, In neat familiar verse I tell: Twofold’s the genius of the page, To make you smile and make you sage. But if the critics we displease, By wrangling brutes and talking trees, Let them remember, ere they blame, We’re working neither sin nor shame; ‘Tis but a play to form the youth By fiction, in the cause of truth. This month’s Book Club selection… Read more

Book Club | November 2020: Pliny the Younger Letters

Being at a convenient distance from the houses, we stood still, in the midst of a most dangerous and dreadful scene. The chariots, which we had ordered to be drawn out, were so agitated backwards and forwards, though upon the most level ground, that we could not keep them steady, even by supporting them with large stones. The sea seemed to roll back upon itself, and to be driven from… Read more

Book Club | October 2020: Virgil Georgics

What should I tell of autumn’s storms, and stars, and what men must watch for when the daylight shortens, and summer becomes more changeable, or when spring pours down showers, when spiked crops bristle in the fields, and wheat swells with sap on its green stem?[1] Our October selection is from the Roman poet Virgil: the pastoral poem Georgics. This work is divided into four books: Book I discusses agriculture… Read more

Book Club | May 2020: Aulus Gellius Attic Nights Book 1

Other more entertaining writings may be found, in order that like recreation might be provided for my children, when they should have some respite from business affairs and could unbend and divert their minds. But in the arrangement of my material I have adopted the same haphazard order that I had previously followed in collecting it. For whenever I had taken in hand any Greek or Latin book, or had… Read more