
Core Vocab: nomos

Our next Core Vocab term, taken from terms listed in H24H[1] and tracked in the associated Sourcebook[2] is nomos [νόμος]. Gregory Nagy glosses the word as follows: “nomos, plural nomoi ‘local custom; customary law; law’.” In Eumenides we see Athena changing the old system of vendetta, personified by the Furies or Erinyes, to that of a justice system and trial by jury[3]. The Furies complain (twice): Younger gods, you have ridden down… Read more

Open House | Pindar’s Poetics of Homecoming, with Maša Ćulumović

We were pleased to welcome back Maša Ćulumović, Fellow at the Center for Hellenic Studies, as a guest for a discussion on Pindar’s Poetics of Homecoming. The event took place on Thursday, November 15, at 11:00 a.m. EST, and was recorded. The main focus passages for this discussion are: the whole of Olympian 5 Olympian 1.1–24 Olympian 9.1–20 Pythian 11.1–16 although it might be helpful to read them all in… Read more

Aiakos: Judge Among the Immortals?

Aeacus [Aiakos] while he reigned in Aegina was renowned in all Greece for his justice and piety, and was frequently called upon to settle disputes not only among men, but even among the gods themselves.[1] Whether Aiakos actually settled disputes among the gods themselves is supported by Pindar when referring to the nymph Aegina who “…bore Aeacus [Aiakos], the dearest of all men on earth to the loud-thundering father. Aeacus… Read more

Pindar Nemean 1

Translation and notes by Jack Vaughan Pindar, First Nemean Epinikion For Khromios of Aetna or Syracuse, Victor in Four-Horse Chariot Race Sacred precinct where Alpheus comes to rest and catches breath[1], Ortygia, child of famed Syracuse, bedstead of Artemis, sister isle of Delos, from you my sweet-voiced hymn proceeds to set forth great ainos of storm-footed horses, gifts of Aetnaean Zeus. Nemea spurs on the chariot of Khromios[2] to yoke… Read more

Pindar, Second Nemean Epinikion

  A translation and notes by Jack Vaughan For Timodemos of Archarnai, Victor in Pankration Much as Homerid singers often begin their weaving of songs with a prelude honoring Zeus, this man, too, for a start has received an installment of a victory-studded career in the sacred contests in the much-celebrated hallowed precinct of Nemean Zeus. It still behooves him, the son of Timonoos, if his life’s time, guided straight according to the ways of his fathers, has been given as an adornment to… Read more