
Open House | Fragments of Menander and the Modern Stage, with Kyriaki Ioannidou

We were excited to welcome Kyriaki Ioannidou for an Open House entitled “Fragments of Menander and the Modern Stage” The event took place on Friday, May 12 at 11:00 a.m. EDT and was recorded. To get ready for the event, you can preview the topics that will be covered by reading this handout; use the bookmarks pane to navigate to each section: Kosmos Talk Readings and Fragments You can watch… Read more

Book Club | September 2019: Menander The Grouch

Old man Knemon hates everyone! A grouch to one and all! Grumpy all day long! Our September Book Club selection is a comedy by Menander, The Grouch [Dyskolos], also known as The Difficult Man, The Bad-Tempered Man, The Misanthrope, The Curmudgeon or The Peevish Fellow in different translations. Menander (c 342–291 BCE) was a major New Comedy playwright from Athens. In a thirty-year career he wrote over 100 plays, but won only… Read more