
From Scheria to Ithaca

Departure of Ulysses from the Land of the Phaeacians, Louvre Museum   Douglas Frame attended a conference hosted by the Center for Odyssean Studies in August of 2017. The topic of his presentation was the “homecoming” of Odysseus, concentrating on “nostos as taking place in a wholly imaginary world.” The notion of a nostos as a “return to life” is deeply imbedded in the Odyssey. I have traced its origins to… Read more

Homeric Ithaca

A guest post by David Long ….The deep-sea-going ship Made landfall on the island … Ithaca at last. There on the coast a haven lies, named for Phorcys, The old god of the deep – with two jutting headlands, Sheared off at the seaward side but shelving towards the bay. Odyssey 13.95–98 (Fagles translation) Atheras Bay (Phorcys Bay) from Atheras Atheras beach This is Atheras Bay, up in the northwestern… Read more

Homeric Greek | Odyssey 1.44–62: Athena, Odysseus, and longing for home

We are pleased to share the latest video in the series on reading Homeric epic. In this episode Gregory Nagy (Harvard), Leonard Muellner (Brandeis), and Douglas Frame (CHS) read, translate, and discuss Odyssey 1.44–62 in an accessible and informal way. Specific topics of discussion include: the phrase γλαυκῶπις Ἀθήνη (sometimes translated as “grey-eyed Athena”) the mind of Odysseus and the heart of Athena associations between Kalypso and death the cosmic… Read more