
The Meaning of Homeric εὔχομαι Through Its Formulas

The Center for Hellenic Studies is pleased to share Professor Leonard Muellner’s The meaning of Homeric εὔχομαι through its formulas, the 1976 landmark study based on his dissertation. This online publication is open to all and free of charge. Eukhomai had been glossed traditionally as “pray, long for, wish for; vow, promise; boast, brag, vaunt; profess, declare.” Muellner’s approach is to make a systematic analysis of the constraints in which this word is… Read more

Open House | The Power of Performance: Mythology and Outreach Today, with Paul O’Mahony

We were pleased to welcome actor, writer, and educator Paul O’Mahony for an Open House discussion on ‘The Power of Performance: Mythology and Outreach Today’. He introduces the topic as follows: I would like to talk about our reception of classical texts and our approaches to performance—finding new and exciting ways to re-imagine them. I will use my own experience both creating and watching various shows (both tragic and comic).… Read more

Open House | The Iliad and the Greek Bronze Age, with Casey Dué

We were pleased to welcome Casey Dué for the first in our series of Open House sessions for fall 2015, in which we discussed the Iliad and the Greek Bronze Age. She introduces the topic as follows: How old is the Iliad? The Trojan War has traditionally been dated since antiquity to about 1250 BCE, and the Iliad is usually dated five hundred years or more after that, but there… Read more

India and Greece: Four Comparative Approaches

Harvard’s Center for Hellenic Studies has announced the publication of Classics@12: Comparative Approaches to India and Greece. This online volume contains papers comparing specific literary and cultural traditions in India and Greece. The papers served as the basis of discussion at an event organized by the Center for Hellenic Studies in association with the Embassy of India. “India and Greece, four comparative approaches: An evening of conversation with four scholars”… Read more

Open House | Tragic Visualizing in the Iliad with Laura Slatkin

Our community was pleased to welcome Laura Slatkin for an Open House discussion, which centered on tragic visualizing in the Iliad. You can watch the recording in the video frame below, or visit our YouTube channel. To prepare for this discussion, participants might like to read the following focus passages: Open House Laura Slatkin Focus Passages (PDF) Selected works mentioned during the discussion: Seemee Ali: Open House ‘Eros and Cosmos:… Read more