
Paintings at Delphi

After we finish reading the last scroll of the Iliad, we might wonder what happens in Troy after Hector’s funeral. We have parts of what happens next in the Odyssey, in tragedies, and in fragments and plot-summaries. However, in his Description of Greece Pausanias writes an interesting description of a painting which depicted “Troy taken and the Greeks sailing away” (Pausanias 10.25.2)[1], and which was still at Delphi when he… Read more

Open House | Magical Strategies for Everyday Problems, with Suzanne Lye

We were pleased to welcome Suzanne Lye, Assistant Professor of Classics at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, for a discussion on “Magical Strategies for Everyday Problems”. There is a PDF handout, which you might like to read in preparation for this event: Case Studies Handout Reference will be made to the following texts: The cases in this handout Homeric Odyssey 11: Nekuia Homeric Iliad 23: Encounter with… Read more

Open House | Exchanges in the Odyssey’s Underworld, with Nancy Felson, Laura Slatkin, and Maša Ćulumović

We were pleased to welcome our guests for the final Open House discussion of the Spring 2018 session: Laura Slatkin (NYU Gallatin), Nancy Felson (University of Georgia), and Maša Ćulumović (Center for Hellenic Studies). They joined us for a discussion of exchanges in the underworld from the Odyssey. This event took place on Wednesday, May 9, at 11 a.m. EDT, and was recorded. Before watching the event you might like… Read more

Open House | Odysseus and the Poetics of katábasis, with Stamatia Dova

We were pleased to welcome Stamatia Dova, Hellenic College Holy Cross, for an Open House on Odysseus and the Poetics of katábasis. You can watch the video in the frame below or on our YouTube channel. The psūkhē of the fleet descendant of Aiakos knew me and spoke piteously, saying, ‘Resourceful Odysseus, noble son of Laertes and seed of Zeus, what deed of daring will you undertake next, that you venture down… Read more