
Love and passion

Louise Marie-Jeanne Hersent: Daphnis et Chloe 19th century For the young and innocent Daphnis and Chloe, the first stirrings of love and desire are uncomfortable experiences: Hearing the name of Eros for the first time soothed the pain in their souls [psūkhē]. At night, they returned to the folds and began comparing their own experiences with what they had heard from Philetas. “Those in love [erân] are in pain [algeîn].… Read more

Book Club | March 2019: Xenophon Memorabilia

[Socrates] said that he often heard it stated that of all possessions the most precious is a good and sincere friend. “And yet,” he said, “there is no transaction most men are so careless about as the acquisition of friends. For I find that they are careful about getting houses and lands and slaves and cattle and furniture, and anxious to keep what they have; but though they tell one… Read more

Core Vocab: philos

A guest post by Sarah Scott This month I have chosen for a Core Vocab exploration terms that we hold close to our hearts: philos ‘friend’ (noun); ‘dear, near-and-dear, belonging to self’ (adjective); philotēs or philiā ‘the state of being philos’ In H24H[1] Professor Nagy first introduces the term in connection to a passage where Phoenix tells a story in his attempt to convince Achilles to accept Agamemnon’s gifts and… Read more

Hour 25: Something to Celebrate

~ A guest post by Myrmidon ~   As Hour 25’s first complete year of activities draws to a close, let’s reflect on the words of our friend, Greg Nagy. He says that we H25ers are “continuators” of a tradition that he, Lenny Muellner, Doug Frame and others started in the 1970s.  Greg fondly recalls how “we gathered on Thursday evenings…and over drinks, we talked about what we were reading… Read more