
Homeric Greek | Odyssey 1.93–98: Variants in Telemachus’ visits, Nestor, and Athena

We are pleased to share this segment in the series on reading Homeric epic in ancient Greek. In each installment we read, translate, and discuss a small passage in the original Greek in the most accessible way. If you’ve ever wanted to read Homer in ancient Greek, here is your chance to do so with teachers who have spent a lifetime studying these works. Together they help even new readers… Read more

Book Club | October 2015: Cretan Lies

Our next Book Club selections explore the Cretan Lies of Odysseus. Our readings are: Odyssey books 13, 14, and 19, with particular focus on these passages: Athena 13.250–370 Eumaios 14.185–530 Penelope 19.163–348 Olga Levaniouk: Eve of the Festival, Chapter 1 ‘Beginning of the Dialogue: Setting up the Third Cretan Lie’ Classical Inquiries post by Gregory Nagy: A Cretan Odyssey, Part I We will meet for a live conversation via Google+… Read more

The theōriā and the Ship of Theseus

~ A guest post by Rien ~ During our study at HeroesX, I was thrilled by the Hour 23 discussion about the sacred journey [theōriā], the never ending objective of Socrates to enter into dialogue with anyone he encounters. The first text is from the beginning of Plato’s Phaedo, as taken from the Hour 23 of The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours: Phaedo It was a matter of chance… Read more