
Book Club | March 2024: Aeschylus Agamemnon

Chorus of the Old Men of Argos: I still can hear the older warlord saying, ‘Obey, obey, or a heavy doom will crush me – Oh but doom will crush me once I rend my child, the glory of my house – a father’s hands are stained, blood of a young girl streaks the altar. Pain both ways and what is worse? Desert the fleets, fail the alliance? No, but… Read more

Open House | Wives of Returning Veterans in Classical Athenian Drama, with Erika Weiberg

We were excited to welcome Erika Weiberg of Florida State University for an Open House. The title of the discussion is “Wives of Returning Veterans in Classical Athenian Drama”. The discussion took place on March 19 at 11:00 a.m. EDT; it was live-streamed and recorded. In preparation, you might like to read the PDF handout: Weiberg Kosmos Society Handout You can view the event on our YouTube channel. or in… Read more

Dreams | Part 2: Dreams in later Greek texts

In part 1, we looked at dreams as represented in Homeric epic. In part 2, we continue our exploration with some passages from other texts. Starting with tragedy, we learn from Jean Alaux Lectures Tragiques d’Homère that “According to Jacques Jouanna, there are two types of dreams: the vision-dream which offers the sleeper a symbol to decipher … and the visitation–dream where a god or a messenger or a ghost… Read more

Book Club | November 2018: Aeschylus Seven Against Thebes

Seven warriors, fierce regiment-commanders, slaughtered a bull over a black shield, and then touching the bull’s gore with their hands they swore an oath by Arēs, by Enyo, and by Rout who delights in blood, that either they will level the city [polis] and sack the Kadmeians’ town [astu] by force [biā], or will in death smear this soil with their blood. This month’s Book Club selection is the Seven Against Thebes by Aeschylus.… Read more

Introducing Aeschylus’ Seven Against Thebes

A “heroized” edition of Aeschylus’ Seven Against Thebes We are pleased to share a revised translation of Aeschylus’ Seven Against Thebes that tracks Core Vocab words in the same way as the Sourcebook of Primary Texts in Translation used in HeroesX.[1] This was the result of a community-driven collaborative “heroization” project. The group revised a translation to indicate each and every occurrence of a Heroes core vocabulary term and to… Read more