Open House | Thucydides’ Melian Dialogue and its Reception, with Ivan Matijašić

We were excited to welcome Ivan Matijašić for an Open House entitled “Thucydides’ Melian Dialogue and its Reception.” The event took place on Friday, April 14 at 11:00 a.m. EDT and was recorded.

To get ready for the event, you might like to read the PDF handout linked below:

Thucydides Melian Dialogue and its Reception Handout

You can watch the recording on our YouTube channel or below.

Ivan Matijašić

Ivan Matijašić is Assistant Professor in Ancient Greek History at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. He holds a PhD in Classics and Ancient History from the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (Italy). He was Visiting Fellow in Freiburg and Berlin, and held research and teaching positions in Venice, Münster, Newcastle, and Siena. His research interests focus on Greek historiography, epigraphy, ancient geography, and the history of classical scholarship in the twentieth century. His first book, Shaping the Canons of Ancient Greek Historiography (De Gruyter 2018), explores Greek historiographical traditions in the works of ancient orators and literary critics, while his second book is a critical edition and exhaustive study of the Hellenistic poet and grammarian Timachidas of Rhodes (Brill 2020). He has published two edited volumes in open access: Herodotus—the Most Homeric Historian? (Histos Supplement 14, 2022), Thucydides in the ‘Age of Extremes’ and Beyond: Academia and Politics, co-edited with Luca Iori (History of Classical Scholarship Supplement 5, 2022). He is currently collaborating with Tim Rood (Oxford) and Daniel Sutton (Cambridge) on the publication of a book on the Thucydidean studies of the British classical scholar and politician John Enoch Powell, and on a long-term project titled Memories of Classical and Hellenistic Athens.