We were excited to welcome Jared Simard of New York University for an In-House presentation and discussion entitled “Rockefeller Center and the Image of a Titan.” The event took place on Friday, December 2, at 11:00 a.m. EST and was accessible to Kosmos members only.
To prepare for the conversation, you might like to look at the two images of titans below, try to identify any key iconography, and brainstorm associations between each and Rockefeller Center.
Jared Simard is a Clinical Assistant Professor of World Cultures, Arts, and Literatures at NYU-Liberal Studies. He holds a PhD in Classics from The Graduate Center, CUNY. His scholarship focuses on mythology in literature and art and their intersections with reception studies. His research has appeared in the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Fordham University Press, and Bloomsbury Publishing among others. Recently, he has branched out to research ancient leadership studies and has papers published and forthcoming with SAGE Publications.