Topic for Discussion

In Focus: Iliad 23, lines 326–343

|326 I [= Nestor] will tell you [= Antilokhos] a sign [sēma], a very clear one, which will not get lost in your thinking. |327 Standing over there is a stump of deadwood, a good reach above ground level. |328 It had been either an oak or a pine. And it hasn’t rotted away from the rains. |329 There are two white rocks propped against either side of it. |330… Read more

In Focus: Iliad 9.599–606

|599 He [Nestor] was seen and noted by swift-footed radiant Achilles, |600 who was standing on the spacious stern of his ship, |601 watching the sheer pain [ponos] and tearful struggle of the fight. |602 Then, all of a sudden, he called to his comrade [hetairos] Patroklos, |603 calling from the ship, and he [Patroklos] from inside the tent heard him [Achilles], |604 and he [Patroklos] came out, equal [īsos]… Read more

Under Discussion: The Wine-dark Sea

“Yea, and if some god shall wreck me in the wine-dark deep, even so I will endure… For already have I suffered full much, and much have I toiled in perils of waves and war.” The Odyssey v (George Chapman translation) The Wine-dark Sea A guest post by Jacqui Donlon One of the persistent topics that surfaced again and again throughout H24H HeroesX discussions (for example this thread in v1)… Read more

Under Discussion: The song of Daskalogiannis

A guest post by Euthymia Kalogera I had heard by chance the song of Daskalogiannis. My son Andreas is learning Cretan dances and I discovered that the dance Pentozali which has its roots in the Ancient Pyrrhic dance like the dance Serra of the Pontiac Greeks, was first danced by Daskalogiannis and his men before the revolt of 1770. Daskalogiannis invited a famous traditional violin player to teach his men… Read more

Under Discussion: Why I am slow reading Herakles

Hercules and Cerberus, Nicolo Van Aelst (Flanders, 1527-1612), Antonio Tempesta (Italy, Florence, 1555-1630), public domain, released by LACMA on Wikimedia Commons. A guest post by Sarah Scott I am normally a pretty fast reader, but during the HeroesX project I loved Professor Nagy’s encouragement to us about really engaging with the texts, when he quoted Nietzsche: “read slowly, deeply, looking cautiously before and aft, with reservations, with doors left open,… Read more