Book Club | October 2016: Euripides’ Helen

Helen wordcloud 1

Dear fellow readers

Our next Book Club selection takes us to the world of ancient Greek drama, and that most famous and beautiful of women, Helen. There is a new “heroized” version of the play in the Text Library, here, in html or PDF format. This tracks the Core Vocab words that we are familiar with from the HeroesX project and the Sourcebook, and is based on the translation by E.P. Coleridge. You can read a brief introduction to the play in this post.

Other translations that are available for free online include:

George Theodoridis (online only)

Arthur S. Way (various formats available to read online or download, at

You can start and continue discussion in this forum thread, and we will meet via Google+ Hangout on Tuesday, October 25, at 11 a.m. EDT.

Happy readings!

Sarah, Janet and Hélène