Find out about the wealth of content and resources relating to classical studies available on the Kosmos Society website. This page provides a quick guide to navigation and an overview of what you can find.
Most of the content on the Kosmos Society website is openly available to all visitors to the site. The Discussion Forums and study groups are open to registered members.
Main menu
The main Kosmos Society menu provides access to different types of content. You can read more detail about these menu options below:
Additional navigation
There are additional navigational features at the top left and top right:
To return to the home page at any time:
- select the Home option on the main menu
- alternatively, select the text “Kosmos Society” at the top left
To search the website (articles and pages) AND
To display the menu in the header area (this is useful if you are viewing on a mobile device):
- select the “More” menu icon (three horizontal lines) at the top left
- alternatively, select the “Search” icon (magnifying glass) at the top right
To close the Search / More menu:
- select the close (x) button at the top left
Home page navigation and content
The Home page provides easy access to articles and related content.
The top section displays the most recent posts, and a mini-calendar showing upcoming activities or events.
The middle section displays the Explore section on the right, which provides quick access to Texts, Learning Greek, and Online Open House videos. You can click or tap on the images to navigate directly to those pages.
The bottom section includes an application form to join Kosmos Society, and a Donate button which enables you to make a contribution to the New Alexandria Foundation to help support the Kosmos Society. The main menu options are also available at the bottom.
Read more details about the rich and varied content available you can find through each option on every menu—we encourage you to explore for yourself!
- Home page—the main page of the Kosmos Society website (described above)
The Welcome menu provides information about the Kosmos Society.
- Welcome—a page introducing and explaining more about the Kosmos Society
- Home page—the main page of the Kosmos Society website
- About this site—this page
- FAQ—frequently asked questions about the Kosmos Society, including how to register, how to use the forums, and guidance about using Zoom for community activities
Read articles
The Read articles menu provides easy navigational access to articles written by community members, arranged by category:
- Gallery articles—galleries of images on various themes
- History articles—articles and Online Open House events on ancient history
- Topic for Discussion—articles exploring a theme and inviting further discussion
- Travel articles—members’ travel experiences related to the classical world
- Text articles—articles related to primary texts, and members’ translations
- Word study articles—discussion of key terms, and guides to using online research tools
- Classical Reception—articles that discuss how classical material has been viewed in later periods
- Announcements—news about events, publications, and other items of interest
- Articles index—an index of subjects based on tags
Read texts
The Read texts menu provides access to resources for close reading of primary texts.
- Text Library—read and explore primary texts with selected Greek vocabulary tracked. There are also links to additional resources related to these texts.
- Text articles—translations of additional texts, and articles that introduce individual texts
- Book Club—readings and links to free online primary and secondary texts. Even if you missed the live discussion date, you might like to use these suggestions for your own reading
- H24H Core Vocab list—selected Greek vocabulary from The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours that is tracked in the primary texts in the Text Library; also a handout of additional Greek terms from H24H.
- Key terms for Thucydides Book 1—vocabulary that is tracked in the augmented translation of Thucydides which can be found in the Text Library
- Key terms for Thucydides Book 2—vocabulary that is tracked in the augmented translation of Thucydides which can be found in the Text Library
The Learn menu provides access to learning resources related to classical studies.
- Greek—resources for learning and reading ancient Greek, including an introduction to Homeric Greek for beginners, Attic Greek videos (based on Hansen & Quinn), Translation and word study guides, Reading Homer video series, and links to resources for digital philology. There are also details of Kosmos Society study groups
- Articles on ancient Greek language—articles, interviews, and guides to using online digital language tools such as Perseus, Scaife, Logeion
- Reading Homeric Greek series—series of videos on reading Homeric epic in ancient Greek, with Gregory Nagy, Leonard Muellner, and Douglas Frame
- Latin—links to online resources for learning and reading Latin, and details of Kosmos Society study groups
- History resources—resources related to ancient history, including videos, links to primary texts online, articles by community members, and selected links
- HeroesX—MOOC on The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours at edX
The Watch menu provides access to video discussions.
- Online Open House—video presentations and discussions with visiting scholars and artists, listed by name
- Videos by theme—video presentations and discussions with visiting scholars and artists, listed by subject matter
- Videos by date—video presentations and discussions with visiting scholars and artists, in reverse date order
- Other video dialogues—interviews, lectures, and dialogues
- Reading Greek Tragedy Online—reading and discussion of ancient Greek tragedy
The Discuss menu provides access to the members’ pages.
- Discuss—members’ discussion Forum
- Kosmos Society Log in—login page
- Forums—members’ discussion Forum
- Calendar—upcoming and past events
This menu option provides links to other websites. This will be updated with additional links or sections from time to time.
This menu option opens a site where you can make a donation to the New Alexandria Foundation to help support the Kosmos Society.
We are continually updating the content, so we hope you keep exploring!